Hey!I have a question about NPCs in Urban Shadows.I think it’s kinda hard not to pre-think about the plot that involve basic NPCs.Let’s say our group goes to a bar, they meet a barwoman and she is like whatever they want her to be like…but!Maybe i want to spice things up and let her take a more interesting part in the campaign, if i am not prepared to tell them the reason she is important, if i stuck at the critical moment, the moment it’s needed, the moment will be gone for good… i guess not all things in this game are created in real time.What do you guys usually do?Prepeare some parts of the story just for backup?Or let it roll and see what happens?
Hey!I have a question about NPCs in Urban Shadows.I think it’s kinda hard not to pre-think about the plot that…
Hey!I have a question about NPCs in Urban Shadows.I think it’s kinda hard not to pre-think about the plot that…