A old school gamer’s journey exploring PBTA ~ I hope to hear your perspectives on this ~ Experiences and Reflections…

A old school gamer’s journey exploring PBTA ~ I hope to hear your perspectives on this ~ Experiences and Reflections…

A old school gamer’s journey exploring PBTA ~ I hope to hear your perspectives on this ~ Experiences and Reflections https://youtu.be/vEA536BO0MM




Hey! We’re back with more misadventures in cago. The monster that chased off the Cujo and Sin last time is still hanging around and causing some trouble for the other characters still in adium.

Originally shared by Colin Matter

Hello! First, a quick apology: there is an intermittent crackling noise as well as some clicking on the audio this week.  I’m not sure where it came from and I tried to remove it wherever possible but it’s still present.  Please do your best to ignore…


A Question for Vincent (and everyone else) A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing ~ PBTA & the Gamist Creative Agenda…

A Question for Vincent (and everyone else) A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing ~ PBTA & the Gamist Creative Agenda…

A Question for Vincent (and everyone else) A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing ~ PBTA & the Gamist Creative Agenda https://youtu.be/gvMmtf7Pswg


A new Adventure Log begins properly as we engage in some High Impact Heroics with Masks: A New Generation from…

A new Adventure Log begins properly as we engage in some High Impact Heroics with Masks: A New Generation from…

A new Adventure Log begins properly as we engage in some High Impact Heroics with Masks: A New Generation from Magpie Games! Our heroes pick a fight with a bee-obsessed mad scientist, run afoul of The Lawman, investigate a (potentially evil?) corporation, have a good time and wind up in superjail, and get more than their share of teenage drama. As we close out this issue I talk about a GM stepping in and breaking the flow of the game to help manage the turmoil of an emotionally-driven game.


The latest version of my PBTA space opera game about misfits and spaceships has been released, and you can grab it…

The latest version of my PBTA space opera game about misfits and spaceships has been released, and you can grab it…

The latest version of my PBTA space opera game about misfits and spaceships has been released, and you can grab it for free over at DrivethruRPG.

Originally shared by Adrian Thoen

Impulse Drive 3.5 is here.

A lot of the changes in this version have been a direct result of discussion and questions in this community and on the Discord.

Harm has also been modified to make the Recover Move more useful during dangerous and violent scenes.

Check out the change log below, and get the new files here:


Change log:

Impulse Drive 3.5

17/07/2017: Rewrote the Assist Move to be Lean on Me, and gave it more fictional flexibility.

Rewrote description for Act Quick to give it more fictional flexibility.

17/01/2017: Changed references of Medical Treatment to Surgery in regerds to Harm.

Change references to “gathering your wits” to “Shrug it off” in regards to Harm.

Added “Shrug it off” method of healing to “Just a scratch” Harm option on character sheets and Recover Move.

Removed First Aid from “Just a Scratch” and “I’m Rattled” Harm options.

Removed nested terms in Recover, it is now much clearer how to heal the various types of Harm.

Rewrote Autodoc Surgery to reference modified Harm rules.

Rewrote Tactical Pack to reference new Harm rules.

Renamed Intellect Move “Medic” to “Field Surgeon” and rewrote it to fit new Harm rules.

Added Warhose starting Move: “Juggernaut”. Move old Starting move “Stoic Wall” to Warhorse Moves.

Changed “Tactical Advantage” Move on Warhorse to “Gunner” Move.

Added spalsh images to handouts to differentiate Moves pages from each other more easily.


I’ve been thinking abut about harm and armour recently.

I’ve been thinking abut about harm and armour recently.

I’ve been thinking abut about harm and armour recently. This is for a fantasy hack. Conventional armour is either 1 or 2 point. A shield adds 1 point and moderately available magic can add another point. That means when fully topped up a warrior can have a reasonable chance of having 4 armour.

On the usual scale a sword would do 3-harm and something like a pole arm or two handed weapon 4-harm. Neither of those straight can harm a well prepared character.

For PCs attacking NPCs they can choose to inflict more harm for +1 harm, but even so they’d need a two handed to inflict any harm at all. 4 armour seems too much, but I still want shields and magic to matter and be significant and it should at least be possible, if difficult, for a character with a sword to injure such a well defended opponent.

One way would be to increase the harm inflicted by weapons by +1 across the board. Don’t like it, but it’s there.

Another would be to modify the shield rules so it doesn’t always provide +1 armour. Maybe it allows a character choosing to take less harm to take -2 harm instead of -1? Or provides the +1 armour on any hit in combat? Either of those options means our maxed out warrior has 4 armour most of the time, but sometimes only 3. Still proof against 3-harm swords though.

So have you had issues with heavily armoured characters in your games?

A question about the 2nd Edition seduce/manipulate move:

A question about the 2nd Edition seduce/manipulate move:

A question about the 2nd Edition seduce/manipulate move:

I notice that the new text for the seduce/manipulate move includes “bluff, fast-talk, or lie”, which, according to my understanding, was outside the scope of the 1st edition version (or, at least, that’s how we played it).

The description of the move, however, still explains that you use this move when you put pressure on someone by virtue of leverage you have over them.

For instance, you can seduce someone (using sex as your leverage) in order to get them to agree to do you a favour, or you can threaten someone (using violence as leverage) to do something; of course, it also works for a straight-up negotiation, where something is on offer and you want something in exchange (“I’ll bring you a tanker full of gas, if you hand over the prisoners now”).

Knowing what the leverage is important, because it explains what kind of promise or assurance the NPC might need.

However, if the PC is “bluffing, fast-talking, or lying”, what is the leverage in play?

How do you expand the scope of the move to such actions?

I’m a little lost, and the clarifying text in the book seems to be more-or-less the same as it was in 1st Edition.

Apocalypse World – Rules Question

Apocalypse World – Rules Question

Apocalypse World – Rules Question

One of my players is a high-level Gunlugger. He has a gang and a battle vehicle. He also has Not To Be Fucked With, so he counts as a small gang during battle.

He uses his gang and his battle vehicle to Assault a Secure Position. The position they’re assaulting fires back with an rpg, which has the Area and Messy tag.

With all these elements in play:

If the gang is Small and the Gunlugger counts as a Small gang, does Not To Be Fucked With not take effect (thus making them a Small gang) or do they stack and they become a Medium gang?

When calculating harm, does the Gunlugger have to decide between using his car-mounted weapons (3-harm) or his gang as a weapon (2-harm)? Is it both?

After taking harm and doing the harm move, do the harm move’s effects happen to just the Gunlugger or his gang as well? Is that MC choice?

Any tips would be welcome.

Hello all you fellow Apocalypse World fans.

Hello all you fellow Apocalypse World fans.

Hello all you fellow Apocalypse World fans. I have a question to pose: I am playing The Show in my current game and, while I have played one before in a one-shot, this will be the first campaign I use one in. I do love the Rig options but have opted out of a few to not step on toes (such as not having a gang or huge vehicle of awesome) while a few things don’t make much sense in our weird lego’d together world. I am wondering if anyone else has made Custom Rig options before?

Currently I have taken two customs that the MC likes but I am always looking for more input.

Rig Option 1: “When you play your music makes the debris of the dead moon dance in enigmatic patterns.”

Rig Option 2: “When you play your songs anyone attuned to the Psychic Maelstrom automatically knows the lyrics (and sings if you demand they do!).”

I am wondering if anyone else has custom Rig options or would even allow them? I still have time to tweak Empress Overkill and her band The Cuddlefish.

Does anyone know what happened to “Apocalypse World: Dark Ages”. It looked like a Burning Wheel style Dungeon World.

Does anyone know what happened to “Apocalypse World: Dark Ages”. It looked like a Burning Wheel style Dungeon World.

Does anyone know what happened to “Apocalypse World: Dark Ages”. It looked like a Burning Wheel style Dungeon World.