Idea: using the framework of Nightwitches to follow the careers of Gladiators in the Roman Arena –…

Idea: using the framework of Nightwitches to follow the careers of Gladiators in the Roman Arena –…

Idea: using the framework of Nightwitches to follow the careers of Gladiators in the Roman Arena — day=relationships, career maneuvering, and training — Night= arena matches.

I’m working on a fantasy hack and have come up with an alternative way to handle injuries. Comments welcome.

I’m working on a fantasy hack and have come up with an alternative way to handle injuries. Comments welcome.

I’m working on a fantasy hack and have come up with an alternative way to handle injuries. Comments welcome.


When you take harm, roll+hard -harm.

On a 10+, it’s a minor wound with no long term consequences. The referee chooses one of:

* Suffer -1 forward.

* You drop something.

* You are momentarily stunned or distracted.

On a 7-9, you are wounded. If already wounded, you are incapacitated per 6- instead. The referee chooses one of:

* Suffer -1 ongoing.

* You are staggered or knocked over.

* You are disarmed

* You are driven back

On a 6-, you are incapacitated, bleeding and dying. You may instead choose to be wounded with effects as above and also take a disability:

* Disfigured, -1Charm.

* Disabled, -1Grace.

* Impaired, -1Wits.

* Enfeebled, -1Might.

So instead of a harm clock or boxes, you just have check boxes to indicate of you are wounded or incapacitated, and what effects you’re suffering. Harm is after armour of course. It’s a little different from most character moves because you have an additional modifier as well as a characteristic. On the other hand it looks much more like a regular move than the regular Apocalypse World harm move which is ‘upside down’.

It’s a little confusing because if you’re already Wounded and take another wound, you bounce down to Incapacitated, but then could choose to take a Disability and bounce back up to Wounded again. I’m not sure how to make that cleaner though.


Hey guys!

Hey guys!

Hey guys! Last episode of the year and it’s Apocalypse World! Join the crew as they go back to adium and have some pretty weird times with Sin and the Maelstrom. 😉

Originally shared by Colin Matter

Hello! Please join the Wednesday Night Crew for side B of the Sixth session of our Apocalypse World series! Alex, Kaetlyn, Kolton, and Matt joined me to play in our very own apocalypse.  Please join Koo the Childthing, Kray the Faceless, Wolf the…

I know Dungeon World was translated in #French

I know Dungeon World was translated in #French

I know Dungeon World was translated in #French

But … Is there a French translation of Apocalypse World?

Finding (PbtA) RPG Translators

Finding (PbtA) RPG Translators

Finding (PbtA) RPG Translators

This may not be the most appropriate forum for this question, but based on a recent post by Mike Espinoza and the ensuing discussion, this might be exactly the right forum.

So, imagine you have a PbTA game in a foreign language, and you want to get it translated into another language. How do you find a translator that can do that, and how do you finance it?

For my specifics, I’m looking to get a French game, Librete, translated into English. The designer, Vivien Feasson ran it for a group of us at Gauntletcon and it was amazing. Unfortunately, it’s only in French at this time…

Aside from the dark setting (kids stolen into a world of rain with creepy monsters that form out of rain puddles), the mechanics are statless, with the option to use a currency called “Black Bile” to boost your rolls. You gain this currency when, corresponding to your playbook, something disempowering happens to your character.

Here’s the link to the AP, if anyone is curious.

Open to thoughts — I really want to see this in English. I could pump it through Google Translate, but I think that would give me an entirely different game, you know?

Ok, here’s a thought: Acoustic Apocalypse.

Ok, here’s a thought: Acoustic Apocalypse.

Ok, here’s a thought: Acoustic Apocalypse.

We all know the Show is the thing, the Skinner can make music that’s not noise, and the Doof Warrior is undoubtedly alive and well in the maelstrom, but what else is happening? In a world without reliable electricity, what’s the music of Apocalypse World?

Drop links to acoustic tracks that would show up in your Apocalypse World. I’ll start.

Happenings in Christmas Village Day 25 #HiCV

Happenings in Christmas Village Day 25 #HiCV

Originally shared by Phillip Wessels

Happenings in Christmas Village Day 25 #HiCV

A 25 day collaboration of magical holiday joy for queer gamers

HiCV 2017 features further development of last year’s content as well as brand new fun for Dungeon World and Monsterhearts.

Read more about HiCV:

The twenty-fifth day gives joy.

The big day is finally here. It’s been a fantastic pleasure working with everyone again on this. Last year was so rewarding, and this year even more so. Huge thanks and hugs for Michael G. Barford Richard Ruane Michael Prescott Lu Quade Yoshi Creelman James Mullen Greg Gelder Tomer Gurantz Ciel Ferma!

If there are any issues, please let me know and I’ll fix it ASAP! 🙂

If anyone wants to play HiCV content, feel free to comment below.

After some playtests with English speaking audiences I’m feeling tempted to tone down the amount of Spanish in my…

After some playtests with English speaking audiences I’m feeling tempted to tone down the amount of Spanish in my…

After some playtests with English speaking audiences I’m feeling tempted to tone down the amount of Spanish in my #NahualRPG game. What do you think? Should I stand firm and try break some ground?

Some moves for a PbtA Star Trek game. Give me more!

Some moves for a PbtA Star Trek game. Give me more!

Some moves for a PbtA Star Trek game. Give me more!

Technobabble: on 10 or more you solve a technical problem by reharmonizing the tachyon modulator. On 7–9 you still need to get the Fabulum crystal to complete the fix. 6 or less — you’re trapped in a trope loop!

“It hit the redshirt!”: on 10 or more you dodge a blow. Sadly, it hits the redshirt NPC that was next to you and injures him. On 7—9 it kills him.

If you picked one PBTA game as the best for one player-one GM play, what would it be (and why)?

If you picked one PBTA game as the best for one player-one GM play, what would it be (and why)?

If you picked one PBTA game as the best for one player-one GM play, what would it be (and why)?

(I know, all of them can/have been made to work. I’m wondering which one/s might be well designed for that.)