I freely admit that I am new to PbtA, but I am loving the variations that are out there.

I freely admit that I am new to PbtA, but I am loving the variations that are out there.

I freely admit that I am new to PbtA, but I am loving the variations that are out there.

Now, I have access to both Urban Shadows and Monster of the Week. They both hit a similar vibe (modern urban fantasy), but from different angles. Overall, it feels like US works best in a single city while MotW is more mobile.

From those who have at least thoroughly read both, what’s your take? Do you have a preference between the two? What are your experiences?

Yeah, Olde Skoole compare and contrast 😉

Megan Bennett-Burks talks about her Kickstarter for her FATE CORE RPG and PbtA (a stretch goal to unlock this…

Megan Bennett-Burks talks about her Kickstarter for her FATE CORE RPG and PbtA (a stretch goal to unlock this…

Megan Bennett-Burks talks about her Kickstarter for her FATE CORE RPG and PbtA (a stretch goal to unlock this engine), A Far Off Land over at the Tessera Guild. 🙂



Finally back with the next episode in our series of Apocalypse World!

Finally back with the next episode in our series of Apocalypse World!

Finally back with the next episode in our series of Apocalypse World! We added Matt into the game, he’s playing a Driver, so this episode is mostly character creation but near the end we get into the episode proper.

We’re interested in what you guys think of our show! Tell us with a comment here or on the website!

Originally shared by Colin Matter

Hello! Please join the Wednesday Night Crew for side A of the Fourth session of our Apocalypse World series! Alex, Kaetlyn, Kolton, and Matt joined me to play in our very own apocalypse.  Please join Koo the Childthing, Kray the Faceless, and Wolf the…


¡Hola, cabrones!

¡Hola, cabrones!

¡Hola, cabrones!

It’s been a little while since I’ve updated Cartel. It’s still definitely on our radar, and we thought we’d celebrate Dia de los Muertos this year by releasing a new Cartel Quickstart with some of the new art, mechanics, and materials we’ve been working on for the past two years!


The Quickstart is a jam-packed twenty-five pages, filled with everything you need to bring Cartel to your table in a new way. It’s also the foundation for the eventual Kickstarter we’re going to launch next year to produce a full version of the game (at last)!

Here’s a list of some of the changes based on the last two years of playtests:

– added a new xp system (llaves/keys)

– revised all the playbooks, especially El Narco y La Polizeta

– revised the basic moves for clarity and consistency

– added all new moves for Heat based on feedback from Miguel Ángel Espinoza

– added a new system (lifestyle) for dealing with money

To kick things off right, we’re also just started up our Cartel G+ group for folks who want to talk about the game. You can find that here:


Huge thanks to Mike, Brendan Conway, and Marissa Kelly for helping me put this together. It’s been really awesome to see the wonderful art from Andrew Thompson and Mirco Paganessi, and I’m thrilled to see what you all think of it.

Some seats left for my playtests of #NahualRPG at #Metatopia2017.

Some seats left for my playtests of #NahualRPG at #Metatopia2017.

Some seats left for my playtests of #NahualRPG at #Metatopia2017. Here is the schedule in case you’re going and are interested:

R164: Friday, 11:00AM – 1:00PM – 2 left

R287: Friday, 4:00PM – 6:00PM – 2 left

R631: Saturday, 4:00PM – 6:00PM – Only 1 left

R804: Sunday, 10:00AM – 12:00PM – Only 1 left

Here is the link with the full schedules and the instructions for registering.

UnPlayable Fantasy PbtA

UnPlayable Fantasy PbtA

UnPlayable Fantasy PbtA


This is the third thread in the series where I present my latest work to the public, explain it’s design goals, and then discuss and analyse the final result on the Story-Games forum.




Keandra Hunt spent a long time working the journalism beat in Halcyon City, eventually rising to Editor-in-Chief of…

Keandra Hunt spent a long time working the journalism beat in Halcyon City, eventually rising to Editor-in-Chief of…

Keandra Hunt spent a long time working the journalism beat in Halcyon City, eventually rising to Editor-in-Chief of the Halcyon City Herald and its many associated publications. Nobody can stay in this business forever though, tracking down the truth of the City and its many superpowered events. Hunt is finally moving on, but she’s got one last bit of editing to do. She’s leaving behind a portfolio of interviews, articles, reports, and pictures all selected from her time as Editor-in-Chief. Her successor will get it as an inspiration, a challenge, and a warning. We get it as the Halcyon City Herald Collection, the first supplement for Masks: A New Generation!


Been working on a PbtA-esque game.

Been working on a PbtA-esque game.

Been working on a PbtA-esque game. The setting is an a high fantasy however gritty world where the mortality stakes are as high as the fantasy elements. Players create characters on the path to becoming legendary heroes where they face legendary beasts/villains. Sort of classic fantasy with the ever present fear of death one felt back in the day playing AD&D or more recently any RR Martin reader feels for any character from SoI&F. And would like to get some feedback on a couple things:

I wanted to create a character record sheet unlike a specific set of playbooks. The player at character creation would use a point gen mechanic I’m working up to assign stat mods, purchase starting moves, and choose a background and/or archetype that offers a multiple choice list of narrative benefits or hindrances. Then as the character develops (like achieving an advancement) the player earns points rather than choosing a single option from a list of advancements, using or pooling the points on the various moves or modifiers, or narrative improvements from the same lists used to create the character.

Then I was thinking about adapting/modifying a mechanic for conflicts similar to momentum from WWW, Fate Points from FATE, Action or Force Points, etc. Wherein players and the GM gain said points during a conflict scene (combat, social “combat”) and can use them to activate “moves” for bonuses, narrative advantages, and the like.

And lastly, utilizing a system for harm wherein PCs have a number of health levels and a number of “stress” or “shock” not completely unlike Stress from Blades in the Dark but mechanically the two are coincide; the character has a damage threshold and when that is threatened by a single “attack” the player rolls to determine whether or not the character suffers from shock. If the roll succeeds the character takes damage as normal and marks a level of stress. If failed, the character suffers from shock – player chooses an option from a short list of how the character suffers the trauma. Each time the threshold is threatened the character marks a level of stress, once maxed out – shock/trauma.

There’d be a move to increase the threshold, one that perhaps grants a bonus to succeed a roll vs shock, and perhaps a use of an action point that may mitigate in favor of the character as well.

Been typing a lot of it up and it’s nearly ready for a play test with my table but thought I’d get some feed back from anyone on any potential pitfalls I may run into that would need addressing. I’ll post updates as I go and address any other issues or improvements I come up with. MUCH APPRECIATED. Thanks.

I am looking for feedback from people who have played Apocalypse World on roll20 regardling the character sheet.

I am looking for feedback from people who have played Apocalypse World on roll20 regardling the character sheet.

I am looking for feedback from people who have played Apocalypse World on roll20 regardling the character sheet. I played a season of masks but just recently played my first game of pure AW and found the sheet really wanting and have already submitted a few quality of life things that should be implemented soon but am considering a more radical overhaul of the sheet as a side project and was wondering what issues people have with the sheet currently. So far I’ve added repeating Hxand buttons to roll hx, a button for rolling suffered harm, modifiers to all of the rolls (so you can add forward/assist/interference dice) and changed the way some headers looked, to see these things before they go live you can check the test game: https://app.roll20.net/join/2679015/OsVAGg

I come from a background playing mostly Blades in the Dark on roll20 and I have used those sheets as a template to make the Scum & Villainy sheets so a lot of the tools and things I intend to use will be drawn from there if I do go ahead and take on this project, so any feedback from more experienced players is appreciated.

Also, any leads on active places to ask for feedback is appreciated, I haven’t found an active AW discord or anything to ask, but have dropped this message in the PBTA channel on the RPG talk discord and on the apocalypse world subreddit