Apps: Mates, Dates & Spooky Fates

Apps: Mates, Dates & Spooky Fates

Apps: Mates, Dates & Spooky Fates

Group Mind access requested…

Originally shared by James Mullen

I’m thinking of adding another Seer Playbook who would be a kind of urban sorcerer, using graffiti as the source of her magic; these are the moves I’ve got so far:

You get this one:

Tag:  when you tag a public space, roll+fear. On a 10+, both; on a 7-9, choose one; on a miss, neither. When you tag a public space for the first time, take -1 cold. Design your tag on another sheet of paper and tell the MC where your first three tags are located.

o   It doesn’t take you too long to get it just right.

o   You don’t draw attention while you work.

Then choose one:

Infamy: take +1 ongoing when you are in sight of one of your tags.

Portal: touch one of your tags and take +1 cold to move instantly to any other public space with your tag.

Eyes on the Streets: when you use your tags as your eyes, roll+sight. On a hit, you can see through them as if you were there; on a 7-9, take +1 cold.

Facade: take +1 armour when you are in sight of one of your tags.

Magic Image: when you tag a public space, choose a move from another seer’s playbook; you can make that move as long as you are touching that tag.

It doesn’t feel like I’ve really hit the nail on the head though: are the moves powerful enough to compensate for the fact that making them is tied to the locations you’ve tagged? Do they say ‘magic’ to you?

Apps: Mates, Dates & Spooky Fates

Apps: Mates, Dates & Spooky Fates

Originally shared by James Mullen

Apps: Mates, Dates & Spooky Fates

Here’s the other half of the playbooks, the mundanes: they don’t have the sight stat like the seers do, so the otherworld is largely invisible to them, though they can feel its effects.

I liked the way the Smallville RPG dealt with ‘soaperhero’ stories, by making it so that playing the families, friends and rivals of the powered characters was just as interesting as having super powers, so that’s what this hack aims for.

The inspiration for a lot of these playbooks comes from The Fades:

Mac, Paul’s friend, is The Zeppo.

Meg, Paul’s mum, is The Castellan.

Mac’s dad is The Veil.

Also, The Bank is David Nabbit from Angel and The Operative is Shaw from Person of Interest, because why not?

Apps: Mates, Dates & Spooky Fates

Apps: Mates, Dates & Spooky Fates

Originally shared by James Mullen

Apps: Mates, Dates & Spooky Fates

This is what I’ve been toying with for the past couple of days, creating playbooks for another AW hack that’s sort of a mash-up between Misfits and The Fades, but these are only half the playbooks…

I really ought to be adding more content to  #BloodAndWater  or preparing some of my convention games, but no, I’m…

I really ought to be adding more content to  #BloodAndWater  or preparing some of my convention games, but no, I’m…

Originally shared by James Mullen

I really ought to be adding more content to  #BloodAndWater  or preparing some of my convention games, but no, I’m not doing that.

Instead, it’s another Style for #JustHeroes  bringing the total up to 16: some days, making PbtA-style playbooks is like eating Pringles…

Free version of awesome diceless vampire game, Undying.

Free version of awesome diceless vampire game, Undying.

Free version of awesome diceless vampire game, Undying.

Originally shared by Paul Riddle

Free text version of Undying up on my blog.

Any thoughts or existing content on handling blind Brainers? Would of course be seeing through the PM.

Any thoughts or existing content on handling blind Brainers? Would of course be seeing through the PM.

Any thoughts or existing content on handling blind Brainers? Would of course be seeing through the PM.

this is an idea I’ve been working on

this is an idea I’ve been working on

this is an idea I’ve been working on

introducing THE UNSTITCHED


Choose one set:

• +1 Cool, -1 Hard, 0=Hot, +2 Sharp, +1 Weird

• -1 Cool, +1 Hard, +1 Hot, +2 Sharp, 0=Weird

• 0=Cool, 0=Hard, +1 Hot, +2 Sharp, 0=Weird

• 0=Cool, -1 Hard, +2 Hot, +2 Sharp, -1 Weird


You get all the basic moves. You get I’m from the future! and Time’s Running Out then choose another Unstitched move.


You get:

• one weapon or one piece of clothing worth 1-armor

• oddments worth 1-barter

• fashion suitable to your look (you detail)

• a time machine (detail)


• 9mm (2-harm close loud)

• crowbar (2-harm hand)

• machete (3-harm hand messy)

• many knives (2-harm hand infinite)


On your turn, choose one or both:

• One of them helped you while you were weak from the journey. Tell that player Hx+2.

• One of them is suspicious of you. Tell that player Hx=0.

Tell everybody else Hx-1, you came out of nowhere.

On the other player’s turns, whatever number everyone tells you, give it -1 and write it next to their character’s name. You’ve not heard of any of them.


I’m from the future! whenever you ask the MC what you know about a particular place, person, or thing, roll+Sharp. On a hit, you get to know stuff. On a 10+, choose 3. On a 7-9, choose 1:

• you know why this is happening

• you know how things are about to go down

• you know who is nearby that might help you

• you know when a thing is going to happen

• you know where to find some gear easily

• you know what is going on (take +1forward)

On a miss, you can still choose 1 but advance your Mission Failed countdown clock by 1 segment and tell the MC to make a threat move or advance one of their own countdown clocks.

Time’s Running Out At the start of the session, mark a segment of your Mission Failed countdown clock. You may avoid this by erasing the highlight on one of your stats.


Quicker than most When violence occurs near you, roll+Cool. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7-9, hold 1. Spend your hold 1-for-1 to choose options:

• Name a person who is witness to the violence, you cross the distance to stand beside them.

• Take +1harm from an incoming attack against you and reflect an equal amount of harm back upon your attacker(s).

• Name an NPC who is engaged in violence, as either assailant or victim, and you escape their notice.

• Reduce a Harm move roll by -1.

• Name a character engaged in violence whom you could assist, increase the amount of harm they can inflict by +1.

Gemini incident At the start of the session, roll+weird. On a hit, there are two of you. On a 10+, you can coordinate freely with your other self. On a 7-9, the MC controls your other self but your other self will either actively try to harm you or will try to scuttle your mission. On a miss, you found your other self’s dead body, or one of them, take -1ongoing for the rest of the session.

Voice of authority when you reveal what you know to a person, mob, gang, or group of people, roll+sharp. On a hit, they listen to you with fascination. On a 10+, choose 2. On a 7-9, choose 1:

• None of them leave while you speak

• None of them will inflict pain or violence in front of you

• None of them will betray you later on

On a miss, they don’t care who you are, what you know, or if you get in their way.

I know what will become of you when you manipulate someone, roll+sharp instead of roll+hot.

Telepathic feedback when you read a person, your questions can act as a weapon. You can spend one of your hold to +stun them.


If you and another character have sex, subtract 1 from your HX with each other but you both take +1forward to roll+weird.


Choose size:

• small, fits in your hand

• medium, can carry it in both hands

• large, need to ride inside of it

Choose one:

• mobile

• indestructible

• inconspicuous

Using your time machine is not reliable. It was only meant to bring you here and then return you home, and if you use it too soon your superiors may not allow you to return or will insist that you return to the point where you left from.

When you use your time machine before your mission has concluded, mark 1 segment of your Mission Failure countdown and roll+weird. On a 10+ you can return to your point of departure, refreshed, healed, and fully resupplied. On a 7-9, you return without being resupplied. On a miss, make a new Unstitched character: either a different agent sent back to complete your mission, or is a rival agent from an alternate timeline with a completely new mission, your choice, but do not reset your Mission Failure countdown.


For each mission below, the MC is not obligated to provide any details about the mission beyond the instructions for the mission itself. Choose a mission:

Assassination you must find and kill your target, the MC will choose your target

Assistance you must preserve a community, the MC will tell you where help is needed most

Historical survey @ you must document and record an important event, you and the MC will determine the event together

Interview @ you must find several people and ask them questions about their lives, the MC will provide you with a list of names

Paradox you must destroy a community, the MC will tell you the most effective way to destroy a nearby hold

Temporal Fix there is an already existing time paradox that you must fix, the MC will tell you what part of the timeline was damaged

@ for these missions you also start with recording equipment, it counts as +hi-tech and +valuable gear


Mission failure is not the end of your character, but you have to suffer the consequences for not completing your mission. If your mission fails, the MC chooses one:

• your time machine returns home on a preset journey, you are now stranded in the past forever

• your time machine has been disabled by agents from an alternate future timeline you’ve created by accident

• your time machine stops working due to your alterations of the timeline, you might be able to repair it…

The MC should also create a new threat and add a countdown clock as further and deliberate disruption of the timeline, or established history as the Unstitched knows it, will create more severe consequences.