So I ran Sagas last night for a group of 6.
So I ran Sagas last night for a group of 6. We had a Man, 2 thralls, a seithkona a shield maiden and a huscarl. Right off the bat the man decided the huscarl was going to be his son. One of the thralls was the daughter of the man, the other was the brother of the Shield Maiden and favorite of the man. The shield maiden was secretly in love with the Huscarl. The action started after the Huscarl and his crew came back from Viking and were freeloading on the mans farmstead welcome wearing thin. The siethkona comes barging in and predicts his that someone is going to steal what is rightfully his. Immediately the Man suspects that the Shield maiden is trying to rob him. The female thrall tries to hide from her responsibilities and drops the masters glass goblet. It gets real quiet…
Anyhow its too much to digest right now but suffice it to say that it all ends in the thrall who dropped the cup poisoning the man with the help of the Seithkona and the Huscarl marrying Gunnhild from the property next door and deciding not to figure out who killed his dad because he is scared of her. Good times