Assuming the fiction allows, can a character get the benefit of Help or Interfere more than once (e.g.
Assuming the fiction allows, can a character get the benefit of Help or Interfere more than once (e.g. from more than one Helper) on a single roll?
Can everyone Help with Get the Job, for instance? Can everyone Help the Killer Mix it Up for massive bonuses?
I’ve played some Apocalypse World and Uncharted Worlds, and run and played even more of Dungeon World. In DW, the move explicitly states you can only get the Aid bonus once. I couldn’t find anywhere in The Sprawl that said you could only get the Aid bonus once.
I want to rule that you get the bonus just once, because I want to minimize extraneous die rolls. But I’d rather point to RAW, cite a a page, and say “yeah, it says so here on page XX” (problem is, it doesn’t seem to say that)