I’m wondering about someone playing a Tech starting with the Gunsmith expertise.

I’m wondering about someone playing a Tech starting with the Gunsmith expertise.

I’m wondering about someone playing a Tech starting with the Gunsmith expertise. Would it be unreasonable for them to be able to start with a Targeting Suite in their Neural Interface, as opposed to RC Module or Data Storage, so they can use their firearms without having to rely on having a decent Meat rating.

I realise there are alternatives by taking other moves, but just wanted to get thoughts on this as an idea.

Joyous algorithms, sprawlers!

Joyous algorithms, sprawlers!

Joyous algorithms, sprawlers!

Originally shared by Geist

Happy Holidays & The Future

I know this blog has been mighty quiet the second half of this year (my last post was in May!), but I wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has supported me this year, especially those of you who have downloaded Augmented Reality , or bought…

Another thing from my campaign prep.

Another thing from my campaign prep.

Another thing from my campaign prep. I built 24 sample ICE programs. I was inspired by the four sample ones in the book. They’re included here as well as 20 more. I gave these programs a few tags, too, which might help in play.



Hi folks!

Hi folks!

Hi folks! In doing some prep for my campaign, I built a handful of generic Matrix systems in draw.io so I can grab them with the snipping tool and drop them in Roll20. I also put some sample names for them, to make it easier to improvise hacking on the fly. I bashed them together in half an hour, so they’re not super polished, but good enough for GM notes or dropping into Roll20.

Feel free to use them yourself. Also, if you have any suggestions to improve them, let me know so I can make them better for everyone.



Assuming the fiction allows, can a character get the benefit of Help or Interfere more than once (e.g.

Assuming the fiction allows, can a character get the benefit of Help or Interfere more than once (e.g.

Assuming the fiction allows, can a character get the benefit of Help or Interfere more than once (e.g. from more than one Helper) on a single roll?

Can everyone Help with Get the Job, for instance? Can everyone Help the Killer Mix it Up for massive bonuses?

I’ve played some Apocalypse World and Uncharted Worlds, and run and played even more of Dungeon World. In DW, the move explicitly states you can only get the Aid bonus once. I couldn’t find anywhere in The Sprawl that said you could only get the Aid bonus once.

I want to rule that you get the bonus just once, because I want to minimize extraneous die rolls. But I’d rather point to RAW, cite a a page, and say “yeah, it says so here on page XX” (problem is, it doesn’t seem to say that)

I ran my first game last night and it went pretty well I think.

I ran my first game last night and it went pretty well I think.

I ran my first game last night and it went pretty well I think. One thing that came up was my Hacker wanted to find the location of another player by tracing a text message they had sent. This absolutely seems to me to be something the Hacker could do. But I was at a loss for how it would work. Does it fall under the category of “there isn’t a move you just do it?” Do they need to do some limited matrix run in a telecommunications system? Should I just make a custom move for it? Thoughts?

Does anyone have a Lifestyle move to share? Something like this..

Does anyone have a Lifestyle move to share? Something like this..

Does anyone have a Lifestyle move to share? Something like this..

At the start of the session, spend 1-Cred for your lifestyle. If you do it, you got some soyfood and a shelter: describe it. If you can’t or won’t, choose:

– You’re hungry or badly sick. Take 1-harm AP.

– You work a gig for food and shelter. Describe it (prostitution, bodyguarding, drug testing, etc) and Act Under Fire to see how it goes.

I would like to enrich our “downtimes” but in simple ways, and preferrably not fragging up the game’s economy. Thanks!

I started a Sprawl campaign with some buddies last weekend, called Cybernetic Dolphin.

I started a Sprawl campaign with some buddies last weekend, called Cybernetic Dolphin.

I started a Sprawl campaign with some buddies last weekend, called Cybernetic Dolphin. It is set fully in a west coast Gibsonian future. It is being posted as a podcast under the Alcoholic Adventure Cabal feed, with guildies from the Advance After Combat wargame podcast. Session 1 was just world building, character creation and a short opening scene, we’ll pick up again in about 2 weeks. It is full of juvenile humor, explicit language and booze, so definitely not for everyone, but maybe it’s of some interest here.

Edit: We finished up, and I think the mission turned out okay. It will definitely spin into more stories. We also changed hosting, so I’m updating the links.


