Check out this awesome review from the Questing Beast. This guy gets it!

Check out this awesome review from the Questing Beast. This guy gets it!

Check out this awesome review from the Questing Beast. This guy gets it!

Originally shared by Geist

Scratching my head wondering why there’s been an overnight spike in Augmented Reality city kit downloads… And then I discover this extremely positive video review by the Questing Beast.

So, thanks Beast! 🙂

Check out @ik_products’s Tweet:

Check out @ik_products’s Tweet:

Check out @ik_products’s Tweet:

With the PCs in the campaign I’m running making a whole helluva lot of noise last mission, they decided that they’d…

With the PCs in the campaign I’m running making a whole helluva lot of noise last mission, they decided that they’d…

With the PCs in the campaign I’m running making a whole helluva lot of noise last mission, they decided that they’d lie low for a while. The Mr. Johnsons that aren’t actively trying to kill them won’t give them the time of day, so I’ve decided I’m going to introduce them to the criminal syndicates that occupy the seedy underbelly of our setting and have them run some missions involving the Vory and Yakuza.

We play on roll20 with a near identical setup to what Adam Koebel uses in his Roll20 Presents game, so I’ve got into the habit of making logos for all the faction clocks and I thought I’d share the two I’ve made for the Yaks and Vory. Feel free to use them in your own games if you’d like (I’ve got pngs without the black background if you want, just let me know).

Has anyone here attempted to run missions for/against non-corporate factions? I’d be interested in hearing mission ideas and experiences if you have any to share. So far I’ve begun compiling a little list of missions for each of the gangs, which happen to be at war with one another in our setting, so most of them, so far, involve one group hiring the team to do something to the other, but I’m on the lookout for more ideas, tips or suggestions.




Just out of curiosity, how long do missions take for other people? I ran a good (well, I think so) session last night, but the team only got through the Legwork phase. The session was only about 3 hours and it was only our third time playing so people are still figuring out moves, but I’d pitched a mission I had hoped could be done pretty quickly.

So I just want to know how long a full mission takes, generally speaking, for other people.

So I’ve got a team with two Corp Clocks sitting at 21:00 and I’m looking for some advice on how to make that an…

So I’ve got a team with two Corp Clocks sitting at 21:00 and I’m looking for some advice on how to make that an…

So I’ve got a team with two Corp Clocks sitting at 21:00 and I’m looking for some advice on how to make that an issue. I know the advice the book gives regarding showing them the barrel of a gun and all that, but up to this point there have been no signs of an increasing threat on my part and I’m worried this is getting away from me. With this group, one of the two elevated Corp Clocks is the result of Links and Pre-Campaign Missions. The other is mission related. At 21:00, I know they need to be taking action against them. Should that be subtle or would they be trying to take them out at this level?

I’m sort of tempted to spend a session/mission dealing with this, but I also don’t want to just waltz into it with nothing planned and I’m worried that a whole session of Corp Clock fallout will require a lot of railroading and planning big combat scenes and I’m not sure that sounds like fun. Hamish Cameron do you (or anyone else for that matter) have a suggestion on steps to take in-game to simultaneously deal with a pair of angry Corporations that are gunning for my PCs? Should I just have a strike team from either corp show up at random while they’re doing stuff? I thought it might be entertaining to have them be in the midst of something only to have an unexpected attack occur. Would you make sure the attacking squad is identifiable so that they understand or would you keep them nondescript? Any advice is appreciated.

A couple of thoughts on playing un-cybered characters:

A couple of thoughts on playing un-cybered characters:

A couple of thoughts on playing un-cybered characters:

I think that a whole Playbook for this is a bit excessive, my idea is to simply replace standard cyberware from a Playbook with as many moves from the playbook itself. However, these extra moves should come with tags like +owned, +hunted, +oldwounds or +traumatized.

Why? well these extra skills should be the byproduct of some special training or “intense” experience on the field.

Well the first arc of my Sprawl wrapped up last night.

Well the first arc of my Sprawl wrapped up last night.

Well the first arc of my Sprawl wrapped up last night. I asked if they wanted to stick with the system and the players to my surprised wanted to move on. They are from a more traditional tabletop background so maybe its not too surprising. Anyways I wanted to drop the custom moves I made for my game. I hope you find them interesting.

Right side of the Story

When you attempt to extort someone with the threat of a scandalous story and intend to follow through roll Edge.

10+: NPCs do what you want. PCs choose: do what you want, or suffer the established consequences.

7-9: PCs choose: do what you want, or suffer the established consequences. They take a +1 forward to acting against you in the future.

For NPCs, the MC chooses 1:

@ They do it, but they want payback. Add them as a threat.

@ They do it, but tell someone about it. Advance the appropriate Clock.

@ Unable to live underneath the pressure of the story anymore, they opt for the only route out they see: suicide.

6-: They call your bluff and force your hand. The story is out and can no longer be used as leverage.

Just Another Narrative

When you have staggering evidence and decide to broadcast. Name your audience and explain how your evidence gets under their skin. Then roll Style.

10+: Pick 2

@ Advocate for open violence against a target.

@ Organize a protest at a location.

@ Ask for an anonymous tip [Take Intel].

@ Plead for charity on a victim’s behalf.

7-9: Pick 1 and expect collateral damage

Psychic Onslaught

When resisting the mental intrusions of a psychic the GM will ask 3 questions, then the player will roll + MIND

10+: Your thoughts are you own. Which question do you answer with a lie?

7-9: Pick one question to answer honestly

6-: Answer all questions honestly

The Streets are a Battleground

When you rush through a neighborhood, paying no attention to the faction war around you roll +COOL

10+: You make it to your destination with no incident. Instead you stumble upon a battle long finished. [Take Gear/Intel]

7-9: Choose 1

@You are caught in the crossfire of both factions

@You find yourself in a dead end with a patrol clearing the area closing in on you.

@An agent spots you out in the opening and is approaching for a conversation.

6-: GM chooses 1

Hold onto the Conch

When you hold the Hi-TuneX23* Transmitter and try to impose your will upon the bio-weapon roll +EDGE

10+: Choose 3

7-9: Choose 1

@ It does as you commanded

@ It does not draw attention to itself

@ You do not have to feed it a living human.

6-: The bio-weapon tries to escape.

*There was a project in the works to upgrade the transmitter which would of allowed players to choose 2 on a 7-9.

In the continuing saga of G+ eating posts, G+ flagged a post about a Discord bot as spam yesterday (I think).

In the continuing saga of G+ eating posts, G+ flagged a post about a Discord bot as spam yesterday (I think).

In the continuing saga of G+ eating posts, G+ flagged a post about a Discord bot as spam yesterday (I think). I also released it The Sprawl yesterday, but it hasn’t shown up in the community yet.

There’s a bot. There’s also a link. Feel free to post both again!