Games on Demand at NEON Retrofuturism Festival is looking for GMs/Volunteers! GM badge for everyday/4hours.

Games on Demand at NEON Retrofuturism Festival is looking for GMs/Volunteers! GM badge for everyday/4hours.

Games on Demand at NEON Retrofuturism Festival is looking for GMs/Volunteers! GM badge for everyday/4hours.

You don’t have to run The Sprawl, but we could turn it in to a shadow SprawlCon.

Originally shared by Games OnDemandRI is looking for GMs

Late 20th century Retrofuturism

08/24-08/26 Providence RI

Please submit an event at

You get GM badge for everyday/4hours, and access to the volunteer lounge

Designers contact me, we would like to showcase you

May be of use to you Sprawlers…

May be of use to you Sprawlers…

May be of use to you Sprawlers…

Originally shared by Geist

2 Maps 4 U

Here’s a couple of city maps from my Cyberpunk 2020 campaign (circa 2026), which some of you may find useful. They would be equally useful for any near-future game really, and can be pulled out for short runs abroad, or for longer city-based campaigns. Clic…

Hey everyone!

Hey everyone!

Hey everyone!

I was just doing the legwork phase of a solo game I’ve been playing, and ran into a question I thought you all might be able to answer.

How does The Sprawl, or you as a GM, handle logging in to the Matrix?

Specifically, does a hacker character need to be inside the complex’s server room, for example, to be able to access the Matrix? Or, is it more like finding a transfer station like complex and hack over a network? Or hacking from home?

I’m sure it could be all the above, but I’m just curious as to how others think of this.

Hi everyone.

Hi everyone.

Hi everyone. I’ve been a fan of The Sprawl for a while, about to GM my first session this week, and the discussion on this board has been a big help in wrapping my head around the game. That said, I have a couple questions regarding drones and vehicles.

Are there guidelines anywhere about how much punishment drones and vehicles can take? I have a Driver in my PC group, and I don’t want to take his toys away too easily. Vehicles are listed with either 1- or 2- armor, which makes it sound like they can be damaged with handheld weapons, but I can’t see anything about when they should be pronounced disabled, or nearly anything about drones in combat for that matter.

And on a related note, should a Driver linked in with second skin take feedback damage when his metal buddy gets shot?

Any help is appreciated, thanks!




I just got the Sprawl, so I’m a total newb here. But I had a question…

I might be unclear about the use of Hold points.

Seems like Hold points can only be used only with the moves they came from? Also, are they only used to get answers to the questions on those moves, or can they be used for something else?

I’m playing solitaire and still figuring out which of the rules would pretty much only apply to group games.

Thanks, loving the game so far!

Three criminals-for-hire are tasked with breaking into the clean room at a semiconductor fab to steal the…

Three criminals-for-hire are tasked with breaking into the clean room at a semiconductor fab to steal the…

Three criminals-for-hire are tasked with breaking into the clean room at a semiconductor fab to steal the manufacturing components for a military microprocessor.

Just saw the movie Upgrade (

Just saw the movie Upgrade (

Just saw the movie Upgrade ( It’s a nasty little techno action thriller and a perfect The Sprawl vignette. Worth your $10.50.

Hiya all. Quick question regarding the research move.

Hiya all. Quick question regarding the research move.

Hiya all. Quick question regarding the research move.

To trigger it: ”When you investigate a person, place, object, or service using a library, dossier or database (or combination of them), ask a question from the list below and roll Mind.”

Now how about simply walking around streets/clubs and asking for rumours? The Fixer and Hunter and Reporter have moved that imply that research could also be done like that, without libraries or dossiers.

But should it be saved for only those playbooks when those moves have been bought?

I know declsre contact is one way of representing ”word on the street” but then again those specific moves hint towards resesrch being able to be used like that.

Assess in my opinion is a bit different thing. So do you allow resesrch to be done through ”social hacking”in addition to files and databases?