A hard move for the last act of our New Year’s Eve finale!
Happy 2019 everyone!
A hard move for the last act of our New Year’s Eve finale!
A hard move for the last act of our New Year’s Eve finale!
Happy 2019 everyone!
New episode of The Sprawl: Chinatown up!
New episode of The Sprawl: Chinatown up!
Wasp Hackers (Part 1)
This was the point where the campaign started to open up, and we had a whole session of “in between missions” stuff to do. It establishes and follows up on some NPCs, side-plots, and character plots. Every secondary character in this episode comes up again and again, evolving and falling into danger in different ways. Three of them die later*. Can you guess which?
(* At least three. The campaign’s still going!)
https://www.runagame.net/p/the-sprawl-chinatown.htmlA creative write-up of our Halloween special, just in time for Halloween!
A creative write-up of our Halloween special, just in time for Halloween!
For some reason, though I advertized the session as the “Halloween special”, no one suspected it would suddenly turn into a horror game. The whimsical nature of the write-up doesn’t quite convey the atmosphere at the table.
https://www.worldanvil.com/w/sg2048-andante/a/episode-9-uncle-ah-kow-and-the-beanstalktxt-articleBeing lazy this week, but also showing off my halloween costume.
Being lazy this week, but also showing off my halloween costume.
This week’s installment of The Sprawl: Chinatown is up: “The Escape Protocol (Part 1).”
It contains a setting you can pull and use in your games, and a new piece of [gear] you can use, too.
https://twitter.com/RunAGame/status/1057647833011154945New episode of The Sprawl: Chinatown – Riot in Omni-Town, Glass’ First mission.
New episode of The Sprawl: Chinatown – Riot in Omni-Town, Glass’ First mission.
This is the reporter’s first mission. As you can see, PC agendas started diverging in my campaign even in the first missions.
https://www.runagame.net/p/the-sprawl-chinatown.htmlHi everyone!
Hi everyone! The SG2048 “Living Sprawl” game has really been taking off for us. We’ve completed 8 episodes so far, and completed one “plot arc”. I’ve been cheating a bit and using the RSVPs to nudge the mission prep toward narratives that would most interest the players (rather than prepping missions completely blind to attending players), but I think the results have been quite good!
Anyways, I wanted to share not one, not two, but three mission reports. This time, all prepared by the players themselves:
https://www.worldanvil.com/w/sg2048-andante/a/episode-6-fiana-and-idra-an-esports-love-story-articleNew chapter in “The Sprawl: Chinatown” the cyberpunk short fiction on Run a Game, based on our actual play of…
New chapter in “The Sprawl: Chinatown” the cyberpunk short fiction on Run a Game, based on our actual play of @TheSprawl_RPG — “The Kurosawa Extraction”
https://www.runagame.net/p/the-sprawl-chinatown.htmlThe first mission summary is up for The Sprawl: Chinatown.
The first mission summary is up for The Sprawl: Chinatown. Guan Fu is the team Fixer’s First Mission. It involves three of the four PCs, three of our main locations, and three of our five megacorps, but only one corp they’re aware of at the time.
Not every episode will be a full mission. Some might summarize part or half of a mission at a time, depending on how much happened. The goal is to keep a brisk ~1,000 words.
https://www.runagame.net/p/the-sprawl-chinatown.htmlThe landing page for session summaries of my campaign is up.
The landing page for session summaries of my campaign is up. We’re already something like 6 months in, so summaries will be coming out more regularly than we actually play, at least for a while.
The landing page has the setting, character bios, and corps. Stay tuned. Next post should be one of their First Mission summaries.
https://www.runagame.net/p/the-sprawl-chinatown.htmlHope I’m not spamming this group. I just can’t believe I just wrote this sentence in my prep…
Hope I’m not spamming this group. I just can’t believe I just wrote this sentence in my prep…
(“They” refers to their exfiltration target.)
Edit: The 2300 clock tick is “Temasek calls their moms. They want to surrender.”