Just a quick post about understanding combat.

Just a quick post about understanding combat.

Just a quick post about understanding combat. I’ve not played a huge amount of PbtA games and all I have played is Dungeon World.

Combat still has a distinctly D&D feel there I guess just with quick moves from both players and GM. With the Sprawl (and I guess AW as I’m currently reading the 1st edition) it looks a little different.

Basically it’s the Mix it Up move and this idea of claiming an objective. Could this move be used to have traditional ‘combat’. Could there be sections where there are lots of mix it up rolls in quick succession as they hurt, but not quite kill the goons in front of them?

I guess the question I’m confused about is I don’t quite know how combat should feel. With DW it was straightforward. Player makes a hack and slash move and deals their damage. I make a move putting another player in a spot. They defy danger and miss and are harmed. Another player tries to shoot with volley…..etc etc. Can Sprawl combat be played in basically the same way? Any great actual play examples of long combat?

Hello, everyone.

Hello, everyone.

Hello, everyone.

I think I’m making myself a fool here, but I have a problem with ICE and how to defeat them:

Page 159 – Compromise Security

The move states that ICE can be activated/deactivated

Page 156 – ICE

Here it is said that ICEs cannot be disabled with compromise security and we have to use melt ICE.

Sooooo….which one is correct? To me it should be the second (ICEs will be defeated only with melt ICE), but what do you guys think?

Thanks for you help.

A few weeks ago I posted a web app that tracks and shares countdown clocks online.

A few weeks ago I posted a web app that tracks and shares countdown clocks online.

A few weeks ago I posted a web app that tracks and shares countdown clocks online.

It seemed fairly well received so I spiffed it up a bit. This version adds support for Chromecast and for Analog style countdown clocks. It also has slightly larger buttons so that it’s easier to use on a phone or tablet.

You can check it out at: https://tomcat8-clocks.rhcloud.com/clocks/

Hey all, just wondering if there are printable play aids available somewhere.

Hey all, just wondering if there are printable play aids available somewhere.

Hey all, just wondering if there are printable play aids available somewhere. I’m planning on running the Sprawl for the first time soon and printed out mission clocks and stuff would be very helpful, but I can’t find any online. Thanks in advance!

Hi, guys.

Hi, guys.

Hi, guys.

I’m here just to say that my first mission (I was the MC) was a total fun, epic, awesome blast!

I MCed (is this the correct verb? hehe) for a hacker and a soldier. First time ever, for both, in The Sprawl/Apocalypse Engine. They loved the interaction and how they can create/change the world and its history. We all came from D&D but I have been working with Dungeon World/Spirit of 77 for a while.

The mission was simple: retrieve a safe deposit box from a bank. The soldier used to do some security jobs for this banking corporation and knew two or three workers needing money that could help in the mission.

The hacker managed to create a fake record saying that the safe deposit would be requested by a security team (guided by the soldier).

But, as always, rolls go bad and, suddenly, they were locked inside the vault, with a lot of drones and security forces surrounding the building.

The players were amazed and always talking/thinking how they would get out of this mess.

Sadly my time ran out (3 hour session) and I had to leave. Next week we’ll continue.

I had to share with you all this great moment we had.

To Hamish: dude….dude….great work!

I know there are custom mission’s that are going to be available to the kick-starter backers, but I was curious if…

I know there are custom mission’s that are going to be available to the kick-starter backers, but I was curious if…

I know there are custom mission’s that are going to be available to the kick-starter backers, but I was curious if there will be a way for those of us who missed our chance to back the Kick-starter to still pay to get them?

Neural Interface w/Data Storage

Neural Interface w/Data Storage

Neural Interface w/Data Storage

The benefits of this cyberware apply when you research using internally or externally stored data. Isn’t that all data that is digital? I understand that the bonus won’t apply to a book made of actual paper. My question is more about how it interacts with the other moves, such as 24/7 Live Feeds.

24/7 Live Feeds provides its bonus when you scan the feeds to research a topic. Is a feed externally stored data or is there a difference between a feed/stream and stored data? Might this also be an issue that relates to the tech level of the setting? I could see in a very retro type game needing a disk or chip if you didn’t have the data stored in your internal storage. I can also see in a more advanced game using cloud based storage, or even the net as a whole (it’s stored on the net, external from you).

Was this intended as a specific restriction, or just as a way to exempt non-digital sources Hamish Cameron?

I find it weirdly satisfying every time the word “colour” pops up in The Sprawl with the u included.

I find it weirdly satisfying every time the word “colour” pops up in The Sprawl with the u included.

I find it weirdly satisfying every time the word “colour” pops up in The Sprawl with the u included.

It’s nice to read an rpg that uses “proper” English for once :p