Hamish Cameron​ is the print friendly PDF okay to print on Lulu or do we have to wait for the POD version when it’s…

Hamish Cameron​ is the print friendly PDF okay to print on Lulu or do we have to wait for the POD version when it’s…

Hamish Cameron​ is the print friendly PDF okay to print on Lulu or do we have to wait for the POD version when it’s available on DTRPG?

Last night we continued with our character generation. They are mostly finished but some details are still lacking.

Last night we continued with our character generation. They are mostly finished but some details are still lacking.

Last night we continued with our character generation. They are mostly finished but some details are still lacking.

One thing came up, Links. I have two players and both of them were involved in each other’s missions in the last step. I don’t know if they had a choice on the matter or not but that’s what they did. I am a bit uncertain if they have Links +1 or +2. Somehow I understood that it would be just +1 but I am not sure.

Can anyone let me know which one is correct?

As I am prepping the first mission I’d like to know how much detail you put into your NPCs?

As I am prepping the first mission I’d like to know how much detail you put into your NPCs?

As I am prepping the first mission I’d like to know how much detail you put into your NPCs? Especially about fixers who hire the PCs for the job but it applies to other important NPCs as well since PbtA doesn’t rely on game statistics for NPCs like more traditional RPGs.

Has anyone had the idea to create a character that is not chromed?

Has anyone had the idea to create a character that is not chromed?

Has anyone had the idea to create a character that is not chromed?  I have been considering the creation of a character archetype that has no cyberwear and have wondered if anyone else has come up with any such thoughts.  Perhaps substituting the cyberwear element of one or more of the playbooks with equipment or additional skill(s)/abilities?

Yes, I know that might seem peculiar for a cyberpunk type game, but, I have a character in one of my games we are considering porting over to The Sprawl and that character has no cyberwear for reasons of their own.


For those who also like Reddit, I decided to create a subreddit.

For those who also like Reddit, I decided to create a subreddit.

For those who also like Reddit, I decided to create a subreddit. /r/thesprawl. Reddit and G+ usually attracts different crowds but I really like Dungeon World’s community on both so I hope we can develop the community.

One thing I don’t understand is the whole “conduct an operation” move.

One thing I don’t understand is the whole “conduct an operation” move.

One thing I don’t understand is the whole “conduct an operation” move. Is that like a singular move to fast-track an entire mission? Or is it more to give guidance to missions the PC’s go on? So far we haven’t used that move at all. 


Okay reading over the example for “conduct an operation” has led me to believe that it’s kind of like a “mini-mission” that they do in the legwork phase to prepare for a mission. Seems kind of cool. It could provide them intel or gear. Or could draw attention, advance clocks, and create threats. I’d still like input and feedback on how you guys use this move. 

I’m really hung up on combat and weapon harm.

I’m really hung up on combat and weapon harm.

I’m really hung up on combat and weapon harm. My gaming history is all D20 stuff, so I’m trying to let go of the metered combat I’m used to, but whats really got me confused is why weapons have a harm rating. If on a 10+ a killer with 2 SMGs is just as effective at killing a room full of guards as a hacker with his bare hands then why even give weapons a harm rating. Just to clarify, this is not a critique, i am genuinely confused.