Shipping news update:
All international orders are out from Korea, so expect those presently. Those are the ones people have been getting recently.
We checked on the US orders, which arrived by boat on the 17th of last month and they are STILL being processed by customs. It says they’ve just been X-rayed and unpacked now. So hopefully that doesn’t take long and it continues to IPR, who will fulfill American orders and take the rest of the stock in for sale.
When those orders start reaching backers in America we will make the link to buy internationally available as well, our first priority is making sure the backers are the ones who get their copies first.
If you’re waiting to buy internationally and are not a backer and if you’re a US backer, thank you for your patience. We were hoping IPR would have been able to get these orders out already and did not expect customs to process stuff for longer than two weeks.
I have big news about The Veil coming but want to wait until all the backers have the book in their hands. Again, thank you for your patience!
If facebook is your bag I also made a page for The Veil on there and will cross post any pertinent stuff to it: