Carta Galaxia Development Update #17
I am no longer on cold meds, and thus can look at what I wrote about last week with a more sober eye. Beware: Long post ahead.
Loopy me was right
So yeah. I think that the past incarnation of Carta Galaxia was a mistake on multiple fronts. It hurts to say that, because I invested a lot of time and thought and effort into writing it. But there was no spark there.
So yeah. That whole dystopian campaign setting is being shelved, and I’m redefining the core of Carta Galaxia.
Creating and running Uncharted Worlds campaigns
The new Carta Galaxia will be a GM’s guide of sorts. It’ll cover how to design a UW-ready campaign setting, and tips and tricks on running a game.
Admittedly, some of the content will retread and expand upon concepts first introduced in the UW core book or in Far Beyond Humanity. But most of it will be a mix of GMing advice, random generation tables, and answering frequently asked questions (such as how to run a Combat).
Also, there will be a minimalist campaign setting at the back of the book, with faction details, jump points, and pre-made character sheets. Basically, the back of the book will be a resource for quick pick-up-and-play or convention games.
This is flaring up my impostor syndrome real hard
It’s always a struggle for me to give advice. I’ve got a lot of self-confidence issues in general, so writing a book about “how to run UW” and “how to design a campaign” feels super arrogant to me.
That said, in the past week I’ve been super inspired to write, something that hasn’t happened in a long while. So I’m just going to have to power through those negative thoughts, ’cause I think this new direction for the book has a lot of merit.
Pre-made Character Sheets
In other news, I’ve gone ahead and updated the official Uncharted Worlds pre-made characters, and I’ll be working to get them uploaded to the website soon. Until then, you can grab them here.
The most important new thing is the form fillable updated character sheet (/airhorn.wav). You can fill it out! And print it! The marvels of technology.
What’s Next
Next week, I hope to have a rough content structure of the New Carta Galaxia ready to share.