Design Workshop: Favor and Debt
Design Workshop: Favor and Debt
Random design-stuff that I’m chewing on.
As I mentioned in a previous post, I’m toying with expanding and revamping the Debt and Favor system. The intrigue-heavy tone of the first campaign setting feels like the best opportunity to try this stuff out. Shout out to Chris Wilson, +Alan Tsang, and everyone else who gave their feedback on the flaws/weak points of the current Debt system.
Brief summary:
– Incur Debt to people whenever you make a deal with them or ask them for something rare or important.
– Debt is recorded per group/faction.
– Debt is an economic “injury”: Minor, Major, Severe, Critical and Crushing.
– Earn Favors when you do beneficial acts.
– Favors can be spent to reduce the severity of Debts.
It’s a tad more complex than the original Debt/Favor system, but much more robust. Personally I think it’s just… better. Which is annoying? In a way? Like, I don’t think I could have put this together two years ago when writing UW, I’ve learned a lot since then. But I guess this is a candidate for a UW.v2
Anywho, I’d super appreciate any comments and feedback. I know it’s a hefty two pages, but if you folks have the time to go over it it would be really useful to me. Especially if you’ve run a campaign before and had problems with the old Debts system.
(Insert usual “It’s a work in Progress!” bleating here)