On page 162 under “advancement” it says

On page 162 under “advancement” it says

On page 162 under “advancement” it says

“When a character undergoes a significant, drastic personal upheaval, they may also choose a new advancement from any career.”

Does this mean they can add a 2nd advancement trigger in addition to the one they already have, or is this just a requirement to choose another trigger from a different career when they normally cash in their XP for a skill? (As described on pangs 163 under “Gaining a skill”.

Problem: A large, powered suit of armour or a small mech.

Problem: A large, powered suit of armour or a small mech.

Problem: A large, powered suit of armour or a small mech. Sometimes called a landmate (Masamune Shirow term) or hardsuit. What is it?

It could be an armoured attire asset, sure, but that seems too small.

I’ve solved this for my group by making it a small walker vehicle, which allows the user to take the armed upgrade for using heavy weapons – which should be the military purpose of making such a battlesuit. This makes it at least a class 2 asset and therefore uncommon, which seems likely.

The size of such a harness / suit of powered armour makes you unable to walk through a typical doorway, but upscales the capability of a single soldier.

The advantages of a hardsuit makes them desireable, but they don’t all have them yet. 😀

Does your group have similar assets? How would you define such a thing?

A while back, I asked some folks about Assets and talked about a cheat sheet I was creating.

A while back, I asked some folks about Assets and talked about a cheat sheet I was creating.

A while back, I asked some folks about Assets and talked about a cheat sheet I was creating. I finished the cheat sheet, but then forgot to share it. D’oh!

This only covers Armor, Firearms, Heavy Weapons, Melee Weapons and Explosives. I found those were the most common assets and the rest all come in more sporadically.

Anyway, use if if you like. Give feedback if you like. 🙂 I know it’s helped my game out to have a few of these on the table.


I was playing around with the audio for my uncharted worlds podcast and made a teaser audiogram and decided to…

I was playing around with the audio for my uncharted worlds podcast and made a teaser audiogram and decided to…

I was playing around with the audio for my uncharted worlds podcast and made a teaser audiogram and decided to upload it here. we were discussing what the characters’ ship looked like. thought you would all get a kick out of it.


Design Update #11

Design Update #11

Design Update #11


Yes! I wanted to share the first actually complete preview chapter for the first Carta Galaxia book (“The Core”).

Preview Chapter: Debt System

These are the new, completely revamped Debt rules which will come into play in the politics/intrigue-heavy setting. I appreciate everyone’s feedback from the first rough draft, and tried to make the system as tight as possible.

If you have the chance to take a look and give your feedback, I’d greatly appreciate it. This is a pretty big change from the old system, and I’m hoping it will fix the problems people had with the whole Debt/Faction stuff.

Moreover, if you currently have a game group running UW that would be ok with incorporating the new rules, or if you have a gang that wouldn’t mind running a session or two with the new rules, I’d be exceptionally grateful.

What’s Next

Work on the biotech faction has begun. This is the last of the 6, so hopefully by the end of the week I’ll be able to collate all of them and make another preview chapter. I’ve even decided on a name: Zindanya. Going with composite word (“New Life”). Ends up sounding vaguely Russian, close to the pronunciation of Svidania (“Meeting”).


Design Update #10

Design Update #10

Design Update #10

Back to some faction goodness.

The Iron Assembly

The most populist faction of the six. Went through a couple of difficult rewrites with this one, and I think it’s probably the faction I’ll need to revisit first during the editing/revision phase.

The Assembly provides a lot of tropes to the setting. As antagonists, they can be mindless thugs, raiders, barbarians, terrorists. As protagonists they can be freedom fighters, The Resistance, etc.

As usual, any feedback or issues about the faction would be appreciated.

New Debt System

For those of you who may have missed it, I’m working on completely revamping the original Debt/Favor/Acquisition system from the core rules. You can check out the first rough draft here: https://plus.google.com/u/0/109509798379128908797/posts/TP8zQjtyuNi

What’s Next

I’m working on a cleaner version of the Debt System, which will probably be the subject of the next development update. At the same time, I’m writing up the final (!!!) faction. Which I still need to name.


Design Workshop: Favor and Debt

Design Workshop: Favor and Debt

Design Workshop: Favor and Debt

Random design-stuff that I’m chewing on.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I’m toying with expanding and revamping the Debt and Favor system. The intrigue-heavy tone of the first campaign setting feels like the best opportunity to try this stuff out. Shout out to Chris Wilson, +Alan Tsang, and everyone else who gave their feedback on the flaws/weak points of the current Debt system.

Brief summary:

– Incur Debt to people whenever you make a deal with them or ask them for something rare or important.

– Debt is recorded per group/faction.

– Debt is an economic “injury”: Minor, Major, Severe, Critical and Crushing.

– Earn Favors when you do beneficial acts.

– Favors can be spent to reduce the severity of Debts.

It’s a tad more complex than the original Debt/Favor system, but much more robust. Personally I think it’s just… better. Which is annoying? In a way? Like, I don’t think I could have put this together two years ago when writing UW, I’ve learned a lot since then. But I guess this is a candidate for a UW.v2

Anywho, I’d super appreciate any comments and feedback. I know it’s a hefty two pages, but if you folks have the time to go over it it would be really useful to me. Especially if you’ve run a campaign before and had problems with the old Debts system.

(Insert usual “It’s a work in Progress!” bleating here)


So, in another thread Sean mentioned (with appropriate disclaimers) that the next book might be expanded combat…

So, in another thread Sean mentioned (with appropriate disclaimers) that the next book might be expanded combat…

So, in another thread Sean mentioned (with appropriate disclaimers) that the next book might be expanded combat systems and campaigns. Perchance were you pondering something like a Mercenaries book? Or were you thinking about an even bigger picture of militaristic campaigns like Babylon 5, Starship Troopers, Space Above and Beyond, Stargate, BattleTech, and the like just as the tip of the iceberg?