Anyone playing Uncharted Worlds online and looking for another player?

Anyone playing Uncharted Worlds online and looking for another player?

Anyone playing Uncharted Worlds online and looking for another player?

I read the book and am planning to run a campaign for my regular gaming group, but since I haven’t actually played any PbtA games (let alone UW) yet, I’d like to give that a shot first.

Either a one-shot or mini-campaign would be great, just needs to be PST time zone friendly (ideally late evenings due to work/family commitments). Any software is fine (Roll20, Hangouts, Skype, etc.).

I’ve had Uncharted Worlds for a while and only read it in bits and pieces.

I’ve had Uncharted Worlds for a while and only read it in bits and pieces.

I’ve had Uncharted Worlds for a while and only read it in bits and pieces. Today I started reading it in detail and now I MUST play it!!

Here’s a Random Character Generator I made to help feed my imagination until I can find someone to play with.



Hello. So I was mucking about with Departure to help wrap my head around Uncharted Worlds before running it and I was wondering if more experienced folk could opine on the Asset Class system. I enjoy the process of building assets, but it just feels a bit stingy with tags. Adding a bit of reinforcement to this bias of mine were some examples in the book that had too many upgrades for their class but still sounded narratively appropriate for their class.

I understood how maybe a Rugged Booster Truck with a small Turret would be a Class 3, but then I started thinking about what happens if I want to slap some armored plating on the thing–but even the Industrial can only upgrade things temporarily and it looks like assets aren’t supposed to go above Class 3.

Am I aiming for too high-octane a sci-fi here? Am I thinking too much in the Mass Effect or Star Wars direction and not enough in the Firefly or Battlestar Galactica direction? I can’t quite tell because I can also build a nigh-industructible super-truck as a class 2 asset with Plated and Armored and it just seems thematically odd that, having the technology to do that, making it also Rugged is the feather that breaks the market-availability camel and a gun then thrown onto it somewhere takes it beyond the technological pale.

Or let’s take a surveillance drone. Remote controlled, Tools out the exhaust port, Sensors. Even with only one Tool, we’ve got ourselves a Class 3 super rare drone that, in terms of it’s upgrade tags, reads like something I could buy at Target tomorrow. Similarly, an old school metal sword is good at Severing and Impaling and is Class 1 which is fine but narrow its focus to Impaling and suddenly it’s Class 0.

I recognize that maybe this is a lower-key sci-fi than I was expecting when I tested out my jump-truck (which felt like a sci-fi staple to me but I’m a heathen who hasn’t read very much Asimov 😛 ), or when I tested out space marine armor with Coms, Armored, Sealed, and Tough. But that doesn’t answer some of the jarring combos that can squeak in, or some of the low-key objects that reach an oddly high class tier.

It feels like there are two different systemic logics butting heads here–fictionally appropriate tagging with a rough Class system to identify how valuable or rare or accessible an item is based on the fiction vs. a rigid Class hierarchy that limits asset capabilities to a fixed list of limited, roughly balanced choices.

What’s the best approach to this that people have tried in play? If my players hit a similar confusion how do I explain the rationale here? Which of those two logics is safest to break with if I’m going to ignore one of them–the fiction-first Class-and-tag system or the structure-first Class-and-n-Upgrades-per-tier system?

Also how does upgrading items work? As written it sort of feels like it is presumed that no PC has the ability to make more than temporary changes on the scale of an item’s Class, but they can hit the markets to buy a better asset and/or buy the difference-worth of assets in upgrades from a more adequately endowed faction. But we hit similar holes in the fictional integration here. I have an Industrial with a Manufactory that “builds, upgrades, repairs.” If a player rigs some batteries up to a sword in a Manufactory … how does that interact with Class and tier and the Electric upgrade option on the Weapons page, how is that different from using the Upgrade skill, if it isn’t why is the Upgrade skill only temporary if there’s a Manufactory involved etc.

Hi Everyone

Hi Everyone

Hi Everyone,

I’ve been out of gaming for several years now (kid, career, life in general), but am looking to get back into it. I wanted a simple game that allowed me to run whatever kind of campaign I was in the mood for without having to do a lot of work, and I found it in Uncharted Worlds. I played AW and DW at gencon some years ago and liked them, but for me UW just has the perfect balance of rules and imagination. I stumbled across this community and have really enjoyed what I’ve read and the new rules being bandied about.

My friends have expressed interest in a nostalgia type game, and specifically we started talking about our old Rifts games from back in High School. So I took Sean’s recent work for the Far Beyond Humanity expansion and adapted it a little to emulate our favorite old Rifts classes.

I haven’t started running the game just yet, but I thought I would post the work I’ve done just to see what people thought of it. Warning, there is some unsavory language.

Been a while since I’ve posted a music track.

Been a while since I’ve posted a music track.

Been a while since I’ve posted a music track. I’ve been enjoying this one quite a bit. Some good old fashioned synth-sci-fi, leaning towards “patter” pads. A generally wondrous/discovery vibe (as is fitting with the theme), becoming more tense and hostile as the soundtrack progresses.

Feels like a good background track for unexplored, hostile planets or deep space travel.

Far Beyond Humanity Weekly Update #8

Far Beyond Humanity Weekly Update #8

Far Beyond Humanity Weekly Update #8

Uhhh… weekly. Yeah. <_<

So yeah, this is the point where I put the back of my wrist on my forehead and lament about the difficulties of writing and being creative and such. Last week was indeed a wash, creativity wise. Totally blocked. But life goes on, and I must power through.

Chapter 6 – Assets finished

Huzzah. This chapter has been kinda hanging half-done in limbo for a while. Went back and put all the old asset types together, adding new upgrades for all of them.

I also added two NEW types of Assets:

– Artillery are super-heavy, stationary weapons. These will be useful in Colony and Station games, or in situations where the players want to design their own Starship weapons. Plus it gives a bit more (entirely optional) mechanical structure to the otherwise hand-wave-y artillery that the GM might introduce.

– Beasts are loyal xeno-fauna companions that can act as a cross between a Crew, a Vehicle and an independent Melee Weapon.

What’s Next

With Chapter 6 done, the only thing left is… Chapter 3 -_- The Arcana chapter is still knocking me flat every time I attempt to wrangle it. I’m circling it right now, looking for a good angle of attack.

As usual, everything is available in the previews folder on Dropbox, and I welcome any comments or questions you may have. I invite you to take a look, take the new Asset upgrades for a theoretical spin just to see if anything utterly silly falls out, and so forth.

Question about Lay On Hands: should it be rolled with interface instead of expertise?

Question about Lay On Hands: should it be rolled with interface instead of expertise?

Question about Lay On Hands: should it be rolled with interface instead of expertise? Given its arcane/clerical nature, it seems like a better fit most of the time.