Soo I have had some unexpected dropouts from my uncharted worlds online game.

Soo I have had some unexpected dropouts from my uncharted worlds online game.

Soo I have had some unexpected dropouts from my uncharted worlds online game. Does anyone have any recommendations for introducing and ‘eliminating’ characters? It’s kind of a strange idea, especially since the workplaces of various players tend to help define ships. I’m up for turning those PCs into NPCs, but I already have a large cast of characters, so they might end up becoming ‘another redshirt’ which is not at all desirable. I have several ideas in which i can introduce new characters, but it’s what to do with those characters whose players’ have retired from the game. Has anybody else had any kind of experience like this?

Reviewing Advancement – Gaining a Skill

Reviewing Advancement – Gaining a Skill

Reviewing Advancement – Gaining a Skill

Step Three – Give up their current advancement method.

When an advancement method is given up,

a) it is not marked as having been completed?

b) it can be picked up for use at a later time?

Any other details I am missing?

An interesting and unexpected request came up in the most recent game.

An interesting and unexpected request came up in the most recent game.

An interesting and unexpected request came up in the most recent game.

Players are about to use a Quantum Warp Drive that will jump them 450 years in to the future. Go with it.

One player asked me…

Can I upload my AI in to Sectornet, in order to do day-trading, so that when I arrive in the future, I’ll be obscenely wealthy ?

It was the end of the night, and I was tired and really needed to think this one through with more time on my hands. I said “Let me think about it, because your AI cannot just go on to Sectornet, no more than I can upload an AI in to the WWW. It needs to have a host somewhere, at least initially, before it bounces around networks and other hosts, etc”.

His idea was not to make massive moves on trades. Just a little safe and guaranteed one each day, bank the compound interest, wash, lather and repeat for 450 years….you do the math….

Now, I know the golden rule of UW is “Yes…and…”

We left it hanging in the air…ready for the next game, and he’s yet to make the roll to see if it works…

The idea has merit. So much merit. And could spin off in to many other ideas as well.

eg…two factions who hate each other pre-future jump are known to be 1 faction post jump in the future. I asked the players why they joined together. “To combat a greater threat”. Well, they’ve not twigged it yet, but just suppose this “greater threat” is that players AI, which has grown to a Skynet level of malevolence, and is the reason the future is very bleak indeed…

I could argue that, regardless of what the player rolls, a 6- or a 10+, their AI has been successful in that context. Yes, on a 10+, your AI made an absolute killing in the markets, destabilised nations, then planets, then systems, before people tried to shut it down. At which point, it retaliated. Hard. The future is wrecked, and the enemy factions are having to work together to try and survive. Perhaps on a 6-, the same could also be true, or perhaps dial it down a bit…you arrive in the future. And your debt through failed trading is 1 quadra-giga billion. Or they managed to shut it down after it caused some damage.

Besides, you don’t technically exist in the future. All your records have been wiped. Assuming he rolls 10+, how is he going to collect this immense fortune? (Probably create a new ID using existing DNA to prove he is who he says he is). Yeah, you may be more wealthy than Midas, but your AI is 450 years old, suffering from lack of care and bug cleaning, and has spent it all on high grade silicon cooling, and pleasure droids….and cannot remember who you are…

Forgive me…just rambling…gotta love this crazy and epic game !

A fun private commission that I got to do.

A fun private commission that I got to do.

A fun private commission that I got to do. A Star Wars sniper character, but maybe the Star Wars visual call outs might not be too obvious and be useful for other sci fi settings. I don’t have a ton to say about it, although it was a totally digital creation. Usually I do a pencil sketch, but this time I wanted to work a bit more with my cintiq. The initial scribbles where done on separate layers, along with some reference that patron gave me. I did this at work during lunch over a few days. The camo texture was provided by the patron.

Been thinking a bit about spaceship directional navigation and terms.

Been thinking a bit about spaceship directional navigation and terms.

Been thinking a bit about spaceship directional navigation and terms. Mostly just in general, but I would like to get better at techy speak and the like.

Most of them seem fairly self-explanatory and be taken from seafaring vessels. Starboard (left), Port(right), Aft(back), Forward/Prow( front).

But what about up/down and diagonal directions? Do we immediately start talking about trajectories and angles of approach or use a 3d coordinate grid? How does the crew refer to certain celestial objects approaching from certain direction, or just to communicate position accurately?

Do we start talking in galaxy-sized terms? Hub-ward and rimward movement? Or in terms relative to the nearest celestial body?

Because of the vastness of space, it becomes increasingly hard for me, who has a relatively small amount of aeronautic and travel experience to even know how to talk about these things. What experiences have you had in games when it comes to this? How do you handle your jump travel?

Google is dripping spaces on April 17th and API support for hangouts on April 25th.

Google is dripping spaces on April 17th and API support for hangouts on April 25th.

Google is dripping spaces on April 17th and API support for hangouts on April 25th. Looks like Facebook is where I will be doing all my events and organization from now on.

Thanks google.