#RustbucketTales   #Part11

#RustbucketTales   #Part11

#RustbucketTales   #Part11  

Previously on Uncharted Worlds…

…The Shadow clips the prison transfer shuttle stabiliser, sending it immediately into a spin towards the city below…

…Orcha checks BountyNet and sees that he is wanted on Jagatika for murder, assault, and escaping from prison.

…Rustbucket sits in a rocky desert beneath a cloudy sky. Anvil looks at the scorched remains of the proton depolarizer on the top hull and says “looks like we’re not hiding anymore”

…The Shadow approaches Fallow Highport, passing the curved, deadly shape of the Scythe in its docking port…

…Lynard steps on a lizard burrow and is dragged down, screaming. Orcha activates his jetpack, then neatly shoots the lizard through the throat as it bites on Lynard’s legs.

…Kidd tells Kestrel and Anvil “I can get those parts for you, if you make a delivery run for me…”.

…Orcha dumps a bleeding Lynard on the ward-room table and tells Dev and Phoebe “you fix him,” then walks out.

…Anvil tells Kestrel the optimum course to take back to the station to avoid detection. Kestrel notices the course details popping up on the “backup computer”‘s screen just before he speaks them.

…Orcha looks up from gutting a lizard to see the Rustbucket make a wobbly liftoff, turn to the South, and disappear over the horizon…

Orcha had been walking all day. He was almost out of water, and had only the meat from the butchered lizard for food. Other than the burrowing predators, he’d also seen a few of the elephant-sized Fallow Beasts they preyed on, and had attracted the attention of some circling winged scavangers who appeared to fill the vulture niche. Rustbucket had come this way, but now he’d reached a barrier – a huge canyon, wider than he could cross with his suit jets. Hunkering down behind a rock and chewing some dead lizard, he scanned the edges through his rifle scope, looking for a way forward. Five or six klicks to the west, the canyon narrowed to just a few kilometers, and there seemed to be a structure across it. Increasing the magnification showed a bridge, a single span of stone in a perfect inverted catenary – not the sort of thing he’d expect the local rustics to have. On the southern side there was an obviously local tech watchtower, made of stone blocks, with a tethered fallow-beast and a thin plume of smoke showing habitation. Slinging his rifle, Orcha began to creep between the rocks to get closer…

Up on the station, Kestrel and Anvil had just finished loading the last of the parts into the Shadow when Anvil’s comm beeped for attention. Sai had been watching the traffic pattern for arrivals from Georus, the system they’d come from, and had got a hit. It could be bringing a news package, including word of Orcha’s bounty, and could even be transmitting it to the station right now. Sai beeped again: the ship was Nerian registered, the yacht Tanngrisnir. That wasn’t good – the only “yachts” from Neria were owned by the ruling family, and armed, and Rustbucket had past history with them. While Ironclad had got the Nerians to withdraw their bounty on the Rustbucket’s crew, the bounty on Orcha meant that all bets were off; they were free to collect, and Rustbucket might just end up as collateral damage. Definitely something to avoid. As they cruised towards the planet on an “authorised” flightpath, Sai beeped again: the “yacht” definitely wasn’t a yacht, and it had queried traffic control for news of Rustbucket. They were being hunted.

Down on the planet, Orcha hid in the rocks near the bridge until dusk, then began to sneak across, using the curve of the arch as cover. From up close, it was clear that the bridge did not belong here – it was made of a single piece of stone, probably nanoformed, and well beyond the tech the locals used (apart from antibiotics and a couple of long-range radios, they limited themselves to only what could be made by a local blacksmith). He’d made it over the peak and was partway down the other side when a voice called out from the tower: “who goes there?” Introducing himself as “Orcha of Hansar”, Orcha made his way forward, and was welcomed by the hunting party currently residing there. The lizard-hunters were friendly and hospitable, even to a forbidden offworlder. They inquired whether he was from the starship which had flown over that morning, but also insisted that he travel to a nearby village, Tapakiri, to present himself to the Guardians for arrest. One of them, Fortitude, would show him the way in the morning. Since the village was in the direction Rustbucket had headed, and figuring he could always kill or stun them later, Orcha agreed.

Out in the desert, Kestrel frowned at the empty valley. “This is definitely where we left it” – but Rustbucket was gone. Low-light sensors showed some blood, and some tracks heading south, but no sign of what had happened to their ship. Boosting The Shadow to altitude, she had Anvil run a sensor scan – which rapidly spotted the heat signature of an idling starship power-plant near a small village to the south. Rustbucket had been set down in a cornfield, but looked undamaged. Kestrel put the Shadow into a dive, pulled up at the last minute, triggered the docking port, and executed a perfect docking-under-thrust.

Inside, the ship was empty. A lot of blood and discarded medical supplies in the ward room, but the crew were nowhere to be seen, and Dr Westcott wasn’t in his cell. While Kestrel and Anvil speculate about what has happened, there is a banging on the main airlock door; there is a group of Guardians outside who want them to present themselves for arrest. When they ask about their friends, they’re informed that they are currently in the town jail. Kestrel turns on the charm, and arranges safe passage to negotiate with the local authorities.

Shortly afterwards they’re led through the dark streets, past rows of low-tech “houses”, to a stone building and a meeting with the village headman. He reassures Kestrel and Anvil that the others are safe – though one of them lost his leg due to venom from a lizard bite – and demands to know why they have broken the law and landed. Kestrel says they were here on a hunting trip, and that Nakamoto sold them a permit; when one of their party got into difficulties they naturally assumed they could call on the local people for assistance. Naturally, she’ll compensate the village for their trouble, and once the ship is repaired, be on their way. The headman buys it hook, line and sinker, orders everyone released, and starts talking about urgent messages to the capital and demanding explanations from the offworld security force. As she leads them back to the ship, Kestrel tells Dev to whip up a quick official looking landing permit; she’s sure they’ve got some Nakamoto letterhead around they can crib from…

The next day, as Anvil works on fixing Rustbucket (under the watchful eye of a couple of Guardians, who are largely there to keep the curious away), they talk about Orcha. Phoebe thinks (hopes?) that he’s died of thirst by now; she’s pretty angry about Lynard’s leg, and blames Orcha for the whole thing. Kestrel says she’ll make Orcha buy Lynard a new one. But they have to go back and get him; “I wouldn’t trust leaving him on this planet with these yokels. He’ll set himself up as a god-king or something”. Fears of incipient divine tyranny are eased later that evening when Orcha, escorted by Fortitude, arrives at the village. Kestrel quickly identifies him as the missing member of her crew, forestalling arrest, and Orcha gives Fortitude a shiny new rifle as thanks for the company on the trip. As he r-enters the ship, Dev spits at him: “I wish you’d died out there in the desert”. Rustbucket is not a happy ship.

Repairs complete, and the villagers paid off with some handwoven Jagatikan fabrics, Rustbucket lifts off. Orcha persuades them to check out the bridge, and after a scanning run (definitely nanoformed), they land on it. The bridge doesn’t look human made, and they speculate on its purpose – is it an artwork? Anvil hauls out a laser cutter and cuts a sample – which reveals that the bridge is also (slowly) self-repairing; in a year or two there will no sign anyone ever vandalised it. Information on the bridge is probably valuable; all they need to do is get it to the right market. So Rustbucket lifts off and heads for orbit.

…and runs straight into not just the Tanngrisnir, but a Nakamoto interdiction boat. Tanngrisnir wastes no time, broadcasting that Rustbucket is harbouring a wanted fugitive and opening fire with its energy cannon. Rustbucket fails to evade the blast, but the shields take most of it. As damage indicators start flashing, Kestrel turns tail and runs straight for the Nakamoto ship, trying to put it between her and the Nerians. It works, and Tanngrisnir pulls back, unwilling to fire on a Nakamoto ship, but it simply trades one problem for another: the Nakamoto ship scans Rustbucket and gets a solid ID, and the Nakamoto Captain demands Kestrel repay her obligation to them by turning over Orcha so he can collect on the bounty.

This is a problem Kestrel knows how to solve. “You expect me to give over my bounty like that?” Instead, she shifts to a private channel and offers to compensate the Nakamoto captain personally if he looks the other way and lets her collect on Orcha herself – in another system, of course. One cargo of dustspice later, and Rustbucket is running for the jump-point, Tanngrisnir far behind. But as they burn for the outer system, they notice something ominous: Scythe is no longer docked.

Damaged, and with no cargo beyond a slightly depleted haul of guns, and with the Nerians and probably a crew of professional bounty hunters on their tail, Rustbucket jumps. They’ve escaped… for now.

Perseus Expansion – Episode 4

Perseus Expansion – Episode 4

Perseus Expansion – Episode 4

We left our heroes escaping the Near Dark system in their Combine registered tramp freighter, accelerating out of atmosphere and heading for the one safe jump point. Unbeknownst to them they had a stowaway in the shape of Darius Blaze (Military-Starfarer-Crowded), and a new player for a session or two. Darius was on the opposing heist team and speculatively stowed away to follow the trail of the successful team of PCs.

Dr Krieger investigated the data cube and found out [prompted and asked the Dr to tell us what he found] that the data had all the hallmarks of the ESU’s infamous Delta Directive, and rather than being the antidote to the virus, it was a sophisticated placebo and no more, masking the true structure of time delayed biologicals with a limited lifetime, a containable infection with a shelf life, a dirty weapon. Was Near Dark the victim of a controlled test of this disease? A deep dive into the data structures revealed a digital signature that pointed to the location of a laboratory.

Meanwhile the liner Sumptuous sprays out some small craft that speed out system, alerting a waiting ship to intercept the PC freighter. The Independent bulk freighter Hagan lumbers into scanner range. It is a hired privateer working a faction that want to reclaim the data disk? Or maybe the hyper dense silver globe? Or probably both. The globe resisted all scanning attempts.

As the Hagen sprays out two wings of attached starfighters I limber up ready for a very one sided starship combat battle. As Tyrrell and the interloper Darius square up to each other on the bridge, Dr Krieger storms in and initiates a sudden exit to jumpspace, yep he went straight for the Wild Jump! (7 result). A new uncharted world ! A strange signal in a hard to decipher alien protocol, talking of a gate in power down and not able to support transfers until restored. The signal was traced to a structure an hour away. It was of vast size, and possibly of the same construction of the two known functioning forerunner gates’ If this really is a third gate then it is a momentous discovery.

Speeding in the other direction the characters encounter a planetary system, with an atmospheric make up identical to old earth’s. How strange… Orbiting the planet was a large upstation, which needed to be explored. What they found within the partially powered structure were the remains of Arzurak humanoids and a station that never recovered from a crisis. The multi limbed wyrm like creatures within ensued a quick gun battle, with Darius finishing off one with his dress sword.

Down below, on planet there is suddenly signs of life, just as the orbital station starts to come back online. They are representatives of the peaceful and benevolent Harmonious Futures, whose lead representative, Saran Gumai, invites the PCs down to the surface of Traxic III, to visit their monastery, a prefabricated beauty on the edge of a lake.

Greeted warmly, they enjoy the clean fresh air around them, with just a hint of sweetness. Food and drink is consumed heartily, and the entire western tower is at their disposal. Setting up a watchdog sensor, the characters recline in soft sheets and sleep soundly, waiting for the morning to come. It will won’t it?

Perseus Expansion – Episode 3

Perseus Expansion – Episode 3

Perseus Expansion – Episode 3

This was the heist. With Tyrrell and, slightly hilariously, the large alien Gorm, operating as new Trojan Securities guards working on the inside and Dr Krieger working on the outside breaking down the security computer systems, more and more was uncovered about the way the security works. 

Meanwhile Nadia Wike and associates (who are they?) are working their own scam to get access to the goods in the vault. And Near Dark Security are working their way through leads to track down the characters. 

We also had two pieces of system news that may or may not be a part of the game focus.

A Starfreight Logistics chartered Galaxy Liner is due inbound to Near Dark in two Terradays. Galaxy Liners are noted for their size and opulence, offering the ultimate star cruise experience. This is the first time such a ship has visited the Near Dark system, creating considerable speculation as to the purpose of the stop over. The Local Business Federation is working overtime to ready trade and goods for such a momentous occasion.

Edrikson Relay Engineers have reported that the intermittently faulty relay sensor at the outer system Jump Point has now been repaired and is fully online. The full repair report was not made available, having been transferred to the NDA sensitive list. News 23 can report that the team has been operating at the Jump Point for more than two weeks and that ESU navy assets were reported to be operating in the Jump Point area.

These messages are sponsored by HG De-contaminants – “no spore any more”

Inevitably many of these forces crunched together on the final night. Half hacked systems, discovered trojan ICE, a safehouse discovered and a firefight in the stairwell, a separate incursion through the vault roof. Two heists happening at the same time and out of their depth security guards in a crumbling facility where “nothing ever happens”. Kevan was on his last shift. He had kids. Would he survive?

The confusion aided the characters and they were in, into the vault, two items extracted rather than just the one data cube (what is this strange small heavy metallic ball?). Speeding out of the city to a starport bustling with the arrival of the liner. A quarantined ship crawling with Near Dark Security forces and one last gung ho battle before lifting off out system to … what?

3 XP and they all level up. New skills all round.

As usual the Uncharted World system sat in the background and gave us just the right moves at the right time. The system is probably too light for one of my players who dislikes the 7-9 range as a pyrrhic victory. The game works for me and it really helps move things along at a good pace.

Just finished a session of espionage after infiltrating the research laboratory run by the Mignis Corperation on…

Just finished a session of espionage after infiltrating the research laboratory run by the Mignis Corperation on…

Just finished a session of espionage after infiltrating the research laboratory run by the Mignis Corperation on Lumos, the moon of Edison, a gas giant in the Aristotle system in search of plans for harnessing the energy of the strange gasses of the uninhabitable Edison. The last two sessions have been a close shave on many occasions. They: bluffed their way past an official named Berrett, staged a fake radiation leak, sabotaged their own ship, crashed a half-repaired shuttle on the moon, knocked out employees and one character with homemade gas grenades, shot up some guards, unearthed redacted and classified documents within the laboratory computer systems, argued with scientists, got interrogated by robot cubes, and more, all before just now tripping the complex alarm. Now they have a hardrive of modified weapon blueprints, 5 data drives filled with information about ‘Project Prism’ (Prism is a totalitarianistic faction), and some laser rifles to get out of this high-alert compound and back to the Edison station, (also on high-alert) so they can get back to their (hopefully repaired by now) space ship. Wow I’ve loved this game a lot, and i’m only about 5-6 sessions in. I’m so excited to see what happens next. And I didn’t even mention Space Hagrid! 

hey guys.

hey guys.

hey guys. I have a mecha game Im planning on running hopefully Saturday April 23rd 8pm est. Let me know if your interested in playing.


Sean Gomes – If the game happens ill post the youtube link. You are invited to play if you want.

Justin Phillips – lets make it happen brother.


Just a reminder to anyone interested, I”m running a UW one-shot (that might spawn an ongoing campaign depending on…

Just a reminder to anyone interested, I”m running a UW one-shot (that might spawn an ongoing campaign depending on…

Just a reminder to anyone interested, I”m running a UW one-shot (that might spawn an ongoing campaign depending on how things go) tonight over hangouts. We currently have room for 2 more people to join. We’ll be starting play around 7pm eastern (gmt-5) but I’ll be available about an hour early if people need help with character creation.



Had a fantastic session tonight.

Had a fantastic session tonight.

Had a fantastic session tonight. I might be biased since it’s the first campaign I’ve GMed but I’d call it the most fun RPG session I’ve ever played.

I won’t give you the full story because I’m tired but I’ll give you the summarized version. The crew of the Hornet met with the Johnathon Julius of the Capulus mafia and were tasked with abducting the prized pet of a Republican Senator to scare her into line. Naturally, this pet was an eight foot tall space wolf.

So they go in disguised as chefs for an upcoming eclipse festival and (after getting rid of their radioactive cargo) are invited into the senator’s mansion. They find out that the beast is basically just kept in a range of wild forest and summoned with the sound of a whistle broadcast through the area.

They begin their preparation. Captain Vass finds Captain Khal, an old war buddy of his who’s on security detail, and convinces him to temporarily shut down the anti-aircraft defenses. Pilot Kip and Navigator June scout out the forest and it’s security, discovering that most of the security relies on IR, and that the canopy is too thick to land the ship. Meanwhile, Engineer Pierre constructs an IR smoke bomb out of kitchen materials, and sends his AI to hack into the forest’s security.

Now here’s the plan. Vass, Kip and Pierre head into the forest and use the hacked security to play the whistling sound, leading the creature towards a predefined point at the edge of the forest. If they had to, they’d use the smoke bomb to hide from the security (they didn’t). June flies the ship to this point and prepares for pick up.

Surprisingly, the plan went pretty well, but with a few issues. Kip had to kill two security guard who followed them in. Pierre successfully activated the whistle system but he had to leave his AI (Icebreaker) behind, so that will be interesting in the future. Then there’s probably the dumbest thing I’ll ever have to ask a Reckless roll for. The creature stopped well short of the ship so Kip had to reveal his secret weapon. A suit of fresh meat (from the kitchen) strapped to his body, which he would use to lead the creature towards its cage in the cargo hold. One of the dumbest plans I’ve ever heard in an rpg so it should come as no surprise that he rolled a perfect six and easily lead the thing into the cage. Then the crew shot it to hell with stun guns.

But this isn’t enough for the Hornet crew, so they cut off one of the beast’s toes. Then Vass takes it back to the kitchen and slips it into the soup that will be part of the senator’s meal. He directs a server to send the meal to the senator’s table. Then he warns the senator that the Capulus mob are after her, and promises to help protect her under the name of “Romeo Montague” (it’s worth mentioning that his real last name is Montago and he’s a wanted deserter). Then he accuses the poor server of being a Capulus agent just as the toe is revealed, and in the ensuing chaos escapes by a rope hanging from the ship hovering above (the roof was open to view the eclipse). Captain Kahl decides he’s gone too far and tries to stop him but is too late. I’ve got a returning villain out of it though so I’m not complaining.

As the legend of “Romeo Montague” spreads throughout the galaxy the crew make it back to Julius’s ship, The Necessary Evil, and hand the creature over. Vass and June have their debt removed, and Vass even gets a favour for his big show in the dining hall (Julius is a sucker for dramatics). Kip’s debt is not revoked though, and then he makes a big mistake.

He confronts Julius which eventually becomes a threat. Then he goes for his machete and pulls out a dose of combat drugs he kept from the previous mission. Julius sees the drugs, grabs his hand in a flash and twists it out of his hand with unnatural strength, revealing himself to be at least partially cyborg. The two attempt to fight but Vass distracts Kip by ordering him to stand down, resulting in him being disarmed and pinned. Vass immediately expends his favour to let Kip go unharmed, and also has to reveal the location of the rest of the drugs (these things are way more valuable than they look). So they sell out Jibbly Jones, the guy they gave the drugs to in exchange for a medbay (they got seriously ripped off :P). They leave and the Capulus ship immediately jumps off towards Jone’s home base.

A fantastic session, and it even leaves things conveniently open for the future. I was already planning on the factions going after the drugs in the background, and I wanted a foil villain to chase after Vass. I got golden opportunities for both of these so I’m well pleased.

Geeze, that was nowhere near as short as I expected. 😛

The Galaxy Burns.

The Galaxy Burns.

The Galaxy Burns. War is raging across the galaxy and the destruction is only increasing. The various factions struggle for control and domination of their sectors of space. Their Starships and Mecha rage across the galaxy striking without mercy.

Nobody is spared from the violence. You can fight or you can die. You might die anyway but if you fight you might just stay alive long enough to win. And if you win, maybe you can stop fighting. But for now you jump in the cockpit of your Mecha and blast your way to victory. Are you ready?

Proposed improv game some weekend in April.

You would design your mecha, decide which faction it belongs to and which faction you work for (they could he different). We will go in with nothing more than the premise above and I will ask questions to determine who you are and why you are fighting. We will then play to find out what happens.

Let me know who is interested. (obviously date and time to be decided). 

Design Note: you can have up to 4 tags or upgrades. I would recommend armed (obviously), sealed, plated and boosters but it’s up to you.

#RustbucketTales   #Part10

#RustbucketTales   #Part10

#RustbucketTales   #Part10  

last week they made a mess. This week, they try and hide from it.

Previously on Uncharted Worlds…

…Anvil tries to find out what’s wrong with his hand scanner and connects it to the test system. A massive amount of data downloads, then a message pops up: “Hello. My name is Sai.”

…Kestrel talks to a new passenger, Matha Dowe, in a bar. She’s a turncoat from the Shards of Xa; “I need to get outsystem. My former crewmates won’t be too happy to see me”. Later, Orcha checks out her identity and discovers that she is a bounty hunter…

…Dev tells Kestrel that she needs her to contact her family…

…Orcha reads the file Bryanna sent over: “Dr Lincoln Westcott, Greenworlder priest. Currently in maximum security detention on piracy charges after he and his congregation stole a yacht”…

…Veer tells Anvil “Kanu and Braj would like a word with you”. They loom behind him menacingly…

…Orcha is led, handcuffed, into the prison transfer shuttle. Midflight, he beckons a guard over, then reaches under his seat and tries to jab him with the stunrod. But he’s too slow and the other guard zaps him in the back…

…The Shadow clips the prison transfer shuttle stabiliser, sending it immediately into a spin towards the city below…

…The pilot keys open the hatch at gunpoint, and Anvil hauls Orcha and Dr Westcott out to the sound of approaching police sirens. They board The Shadow and it burns for orbit.

Rustbucket ran. With Orcha now wanted for murder, assault, and escape from prison, it had no other choice. It bypassed Qahwah using smuggler routes, hoping to beat the news to Lyca. But a fast courier and a couple of priority transmissions had put the news ahead of them, and Kestrel judged it too risky to dock. Instead, she plotted a course for Nakhon and kept running. Orcha-37 would have to meet up with Orcha-17 somewhere else. Fortunately, she was able to put Phoebe at ease with stories of Peregrine’s exploits when he was young, and convince her that seeing the universe would be an adventure.

Orcha spent the time debriefing Dr Westcott. Westcott knows what Epoch is up to: trying to crack the encrypted Greenworlder gospel and locate the greenworlds for themselves. That’s why he’d stolen the ship: to try and get there first, to warn humanity’s unknown brothers that Epoch was coming to enslave or dissect them. He clearly knows the location of a greenworld, but he isn’t talking yet, and with a ship full of passengers, Orcha isn’t yet willing to push it.

Kestrel kept running, stopping only for fuel at smuggler hideouts, pushing out into the fringe. But eventually something had to break…

Fallow: a system of two halves. The planet is owned by a bunch of rustics dedicated to living a simpler existence, with nothing but high-powered rifles, vaccines and antibiotics (because even rustics aren’t that stupid). They’re self-interdicted, refusing to deal with the outside world except limited exports through a single port. Overhead, built into an orbiting rock, its the usual starfaring civilisation: a small community of itinerant belters, a maintenance base and stopover for those going further out into the frontier, and the Nakamoto security contractors Fallow pays to keep everyone else from bugging them.

As Rustbucket fell into the system, Anvil knew they had to stop. The proton depolariser, vital to the ship’s stealth system, had been under a lot of stress, and was liable to fail. No stealth would make things much harder if they had to keep jumping, but it looked like they’d finally outrun the news and could spend a couple of days on maintenance. Still, it would be risky – the SectorNet showed that the Scythe, a bounty-hunter ship, was docked; if word reached Fallow while they were still around, and Scythe had connected Orcha with the Rustbucket, things could get very messy. So rather than risk the highport and let everyone know they were around, Kestrel decided to land on the planet, in an isolated rocky desert which looked to have good cloud cover during the day. But their stealth approach was too much for the depolariser, and it died just before landing; if they wanted to get Rustbucket offworld without getting arrested, they’d have to fix it.

Before landing, Orcha had looked up what was known about Fallow on the SectorNet. It turned out that the desert was home to the Greater Fallow Rock Lizard (technically lizardoid), a large burrowing carnivore hunted by the locals for its skin (hence, the rifles: protecting yourself from dangerous megafauna justifies simple firearms). While Anvil checks the ship and verifies that the depolariser is indeed dead, Orcha starts reading up and planning a hunt…

The depolarizer needs a total replacement, which means either buying one or acquiring the parts to put one together in the Rustbucket’s manufactory. Which in turn means that Anvil and Kestrel will have to take the Shadow and head to the highport to acquire it. They take some of the handwoven textiles Kestrel purchased on Jagatika, and Anvil also takes the ship’s backup computer (hosting Sai), spinning Kestrel a line of bullshit about needing to run some diagnostics. After telling Dev to make sure Phoebe is OK, Kestrel takes off and plots a roundabout course which should see them approach the highport from the direction of Fallow’s outer moon.

Orcha meanwhile has decided that he wants company on his hunting expedition. After annoying Phoebe (who is horrified by the thought of killing and eating something), he convinces Lynard. After some quick rifle practice, the two of them set off for some distant rocks, which Orcha has identified as lizard country. When they reach the ridge, the two of them split up, keeping an eye out for lizards. Unfortunately Lynard is too busy boggling at the huge open sky above him, and steps in a burrow. His screams alert Orcha, who sees him being dragged down; he immediately activates his jump pack to get a decent view. As he climbs, he can see that a lizard has Lynard by the legs and is pulling him down; at the top of his arc, he lines up with his sniper rifle and shoots it cleanly through the throat. But Lynard can’t walk, let alone help carry the kill back to the ship, and Orcha will have to abandon his prize to the desert predators to take Lynard back to the ship.

Kestrel’s story of being on a supply run from lunar survey mission convinces the port authority, and the Shadow docks at the highport. Anvil immediately gets to work, plugging in Sai to the StationNet and doing a search of repair contractors. He can’t just buy a replacement depolariser – its specialist military tech – but the parts are available. Anvil heads off, but while he can get some of the parts, he starts to run into closed doors and awkward questions. Most of the repair shops here are contracted to Nakamoto, which has a virtual monopoly on system trade, and won’t deal with outsiders. Sai suggests that the Scythe is equipped with a depolariser, but stealing parts from a bounty-hunter ship doesn’t appeal, so instead he asks Kestrel for a better plan. Kestrel, who has been hitting the bars and assessing the market, knows just the man: Kidd, captain of the Profit margin, a free trader who works both sides of the line. He might be willing to act as a straw purchaser for their parts, for the right price…

It costs Kestrel both the textiles, and a favour: Kidd needs a delivery made to Fallow, and possibly a collection. Nothing dubious, just supplies for the illegal Iridium prospecting operation he has going down there. And he’ll even throw in the fuel for the Shadow, cos he’s a nice guy. Kestrel agrees – its either this or get used to being a lot more visible – and heads back to prep the Shadow.

Orcha finally drags Lynard back to the ship. He’s radioed ahead, so Dev has already got the first aid kit set up. He dumps Lynard on the ward-room table, orders Dev and Phoebe to fix him up, and heads straight back out again in the hope of retrieving his dead lizard. He’s too late – there’s another one snacking on it when he gets there, but he shoots it through the neck. He’s halfway through gutting the second lizard when he hears the distant roar of the ship’s engines. He looks up, to see the Rustbucket make a wobbly liftoff, turn to the South, and disappear over the horizon…

The prospecting camp is a small collection of bubble-tents, solar panels, and a small dish in the lee of a mountain. Kestrel figures out something is wrong when she makes the first pass overhead – there’s no-one about. Setting the Shadow down, she leaves Anvil on guard and heads to investigate. She finds the first body a little way out of the camp, dead, mauled by animals. She finds two more in the tents. Bt there should be more people here. She calls Anvil over, who notices a few bullet holes in one of the tents, and that the rack where the prospecting samples are kept is empty. Examining the bodies, he finds they’ve been shot before being dumped for the scavengers. This is not what Kestrel was being paid for, so she decides to bug out and take the supplies back to Kidd. Hopefully she can convince him that she’s kept her end of the deal and still get paid. But on the roundabout trip back to orbit, when Anvil is advising her on the optimum course to avoid detection, she notices that the “backup computer” is displaying messages every time Anvil’s comm beeps. Suspicious, she runs a diagnostic, but finds nothing – which isn’t good at all…

Back at the highport, Kidd is suspicious. Not that Kestrel murdered his prospectors – she’s not the killing sort – but that she did something to alert Nakamoto. He’s figured out what the parts are for, and that this means Rustbucket is landed on the planet for repairs, and he wants to know where. When Kestrel says that its somewhere cloudy, nowhere they’ll be spotted, he gets it: “you hid in the desert with the lizards, didn’t you?” But its half a planet away from the prospecting camp, so Kidd is convinced that its not her fault, and that he doesn’t have to make her pay the death benefits for his people. He arranges for delivery of the parts, and Kestrel heads back to the Shadow.

Down on the planet, Orcha checks his bearing. The Rustbucket headed this way, and all he has to do is keep walking to find it. Surely Dev or whoever was flying it wouldn’t be stupid enough to fly it all the way to “civilisation”, would they…?

So, secrets are getting out, and someone has stolen the ship. How are they going to get out of this one?