Ran two sessions of Uncharted Worlds at KapCon this weekend. In the first, using the “Repossession” jump point, a hired group stole the “Proteus”, a prototype Nakamoto fast trader, from an airshow. It didn’t go well, the ship was badly damaged during the escape, and to cover their escape they blew up a fuel depot, causing dozens of deaths. Naturally, the Drifter scapegoated the analyst for this. By they time they got to delivering the ship to their employer, the group were at each other’s throats, and in the end someone actually blew a favour to have someone else dropped in it and shopped to the authorities after the group had gone their separate ways.
The second run used the “Derelict” jump point. The crew of the “nocturnal aviation” were doing a little unauthorised salvage on the wreck of a prototype Ironclad / Epoch Trust escort carrier. Things went sideways pretty fast, but some fancy shooting and fancier flying got them out of it. Unfortunately the nearest place to get repairs was an Epoch Trust research facility where the Wrecker’s wife lived – the wife he had screwed over to steal something from Epoch. Things got smoothed over in the end, but debts were incurred.
As usual, both sessions played like great first episodes of a campaign or a TV show, and I’d love to see where the characters would go next.