I’m gaming with a group of friends who all met in Ithaca, N.Y. and this is the pitch I sent:

I’m gaming with a group of friends who all met in Ithaca, N.Y. and this is the pitch I sent:

I’m gaming with a group of friends who all met in Ithaca, N.Y. and this is the pitch I sent:

New York City’s supernatural throne has been usurped and the marching orders have been sent all over the east coast by cold, unflinching messengers. The state’s supernatural powers are meeting in Ithaca to discuss the new status quo and what you all plan to do about it.

I’ll keep NYC’s new order vague and let it be defined by the characters you all create. Maybe you all are pro-new order and want to help hunt down the remaining pieces of the ancient Dutch vampires who held the city in their undead grip for centuries or maybe it is time the upstate powers stopped paying homage to the five boroughs. 

And now a question about Debts!

And now a question about Debts!

And now a question about Debts! Is there anything official on how multiple Debts should effect a Refuse the Debt roll? If someone is willing to spend multiple Debts to get something to happen, would you just give the roll a -1 per extra Debt being leveraged?

Also, any thoughts on adding some things to the Debts list more akin to Strings from Monsterhearts? Seems like being able to force them to Keep their Cool to do something would fit really well, as would effecting their rolls against you. Would give more reason for Debts to be collected, as they provide protection against people, as well as make you more dangerous to them; you owing the local Immortal who runs the mob a few debts is going to make it a lot harder for you to hurt him, because everyone knows the position you’re in. At the same time, if he owes you, things become a little easier, because people don’t worry as much about people who have done them favors.

Looking for 3 more players for a one shot using this awesome game.

Looking for 3 more players for a one shot using this awesome game.

Looking for 3 more players for a one shot using this awesome game. Granted it will only be my second time as a GM (with this game, not in general) so bear with me. 

Game will be on Saturday at 4 PM EDT.

Platform used: Roll20

For details follow the link: 


Another round of question time!

Another round of question time!

Another round of question time! Can a player take a Corruption move from another archetype that refers to the archetype-specific ability (Fae magic, Wolf transformation, etc) to gain that ability? Or are those particular moves off-limits to “cross class”?

Thanks in advance!

I know the KS just finished, but do you have a timeline for game rules being in a finished document?

I know the KS just finished, but do you have a timeline for game rules being in a finished document?

I know the KS just finished, but do you have a timeline for game rules being in a finished document? (no layout needed, just rules) I am eager to get a game going 🙂 and write a couple of things

New question!

New question!

New question! So, I’m starting up a game, and I’ve got a few Wolves. One of them hasn’t taken Bloodhound, and I just wanted to clarify their Corruption move.

Is hunting someone basically just looking for someone specific in the case that a Wolf does it? Does there have to be some sort of aggression or negative emotion behind it?

And what does a Wolf whose hunting without Bloodhound have at their disposal to actually do? Is it all just Fiction for them, with being able to smell if someone was in a place, and being fast in chasing them down if they’re running and such?

Thanks in advance!

Are you planning to release the 40k$ stretch goal “Vampire LARP” sometime after you are finished with the…

Are you planning to release the 40k$ stretch goal “Vampire LARP” sometime after you are finished with the…

Are you planning to release the 40k$ stretch goal “Vampire LARP” sometime after you are finished with the kickstarter stuff?