It’s time!
It’s time!
It’s time!
The New World of Sport show is on tonight!
The New World of Sport show is on tonight!
I am a little bit excited.
Best way to learn the names of wrestling moves, guys:
Best way to learn the names of wrestling moves, guys:
How do I learn all the names of the moves…I’ve read Wikipedia but I think visual (animated gif) would be perfect!
How do I learn all the names of the moves…I’ve read Wikipedia but I think visual (animated gif) would be perfect!
We were getting ready to play and one of the players had a question that I wasn’t actually sure of.
We were getting ready to play and one of the players had a question that I wasn’t actually sure of. I can probably solve it easily but I was curious about the intent behind the design.
The Boss gimmick, for their “finisher” says “when you make a match..” is the intent that the Boss can just make any match, because he is the Boss, or is the intent that the Boss should roll for e.g. Cut a Promo and interpret “book yourself in a match” as “book a match”? Or is there another solution altogether that I’m missing?
I’m currently reading the rules and doing some wrestling immersion.
I’m currently reading the rules and doing some wrestling immersion… I was wondering if anyone had put a couple of examples of real wrestlers against each gimmick it would help me visualise each of them more effectively?
In my recent running of the game we came across a problem with the Cultural Champion’s move LAS EXPECTATIVAS
In my recent running of the game we came across a problem with the Cultural Champion’s move LAS EXPECTATIVAS
Basically the 7-9 result, aka the most common result: _On a 7-9, as the move is written, the player gives an opponent 1 Audience and gets nothing, so they are disincentivized from taking that move.
How would you create a Tag Team Gimmick?
How would you create a Tag Team Gimmick?
I’ve been playing with the idea in my head but I can’t decide if it’s better to create the TT as a Gimmick that reflect both people (and you play both) or if it’s better to create a Gimmick that comes with an attached NPW partner.
Hey friends!
Hey friends! This is the closest I’ve come so far to putting together a fantasy version of WWWRPG, with no backstage/booking/meta elements.
It also helped me work out some ideas that found their eventual home in WWW:II.
Anyway. Its a standalone holiday pro wrestling game for $4, take a look if that interests you!
Originally shared by Nathan Paoletta
It’s time for this years New Years Fray! Revised and polished up from last years Epimas release, this $4 PDF is a standalone RPG of pro wrestling for the holidays.
Includes 6 pre-generated Champions of Cheer (with portraits by Eric Quigley ) and all the rules for playing out the tournament to crown this years new Holiday Spirit and determine which kind of cheer, Selfish or Sociable, will dominate for the coming year.
This game treats wrestling “straight” with no behind-the-scenes booking, and could be easily played in a gladiatorial combat or side-scrolling fighting game style if you want to bring it out of the squared circle.
Putting this together puts a smile on my face and I hope brings a little bit of cheer to your table this holiday season.
I am reminded that this is relevant to share here – if you’ve been holding off on picking up a hard copy of World…
I am reminded that this is relevant to share here – if you’ve been holding off on picking up a hard copy of World Wide Wrestling or checking out International Incident, all the games in my online store is 20% off today!
In addition all my shirts are 40% off – $12 for softstyle International Incident and EVIL shirts, and only $6 for the remaining “original” WWWRPG shirts. Stuff someone stocking, brother!
Originally shared by Nathan Paoletta
A Sale Thing at http://ndpdesign.com/online-store/
All books and PDFs 20% off (including bundles)
All shirts 40% off
50% of proceeds still going to Stand With Standing Rock
So if you want to get yourself or someone a fun gift, no better time than now!