Lotta Hard Moves coming from WWE recently!

Lotta Hard Moves coming from WWE recently!

Lotta Hard Moves coming from WWE recently!

I hope Rollins is ok and recovers well, since he’s rad and he deserves the best, but this is one of those things that immediately makes the next couple months of main roster WWE much more interesting! No Cena, no Orton, champion has to drop the belt. New Day is reliably anchoring anything they touch. Wyatts actually look threatening again for once. Maybe the silver lining is that there is finally some breathing room for guys like Ambrose and Cesaro to carve out more screen time and tear it up!


My friends do a weekly comedy/pop-culture podcast.

My friends do a weekly comedy/pop-culture podcast.

My friends do a weekly comedy/pop-culture podcast. In the latest episode, I ran a game of WWWRPG on-air with them. Check it out!


Hi everyone!

Hi everyone!

Hi everyone!

I’ve been trying to explain the whole notion of PBTA to a friend of mine and he finally said I guess I’ll just have to play a game to understand. Rather than put him into a game with a setting he’s not hot on, I figured I’d play to his love of wrestling and hit him with WWW. There’s only two problems: I’m terrified to run a game, and I have no working knowledge of wrestling or how to start telling a story about it.

Does anyone know a good primer on wrestling, what the word kayfabe means, or advice for a first timer?

I summon the wisdom of the WWWRPG Universe in the following category:

I summon the wisdom of the WWWRPG Universe in the following category:

I summon the wisdom of the WWWRPG Universe in the following category:

Wrestling + Holiday Puns

Names, moves, gimmicks, whatever. I know y’all got some good ones in you!