This is my attempt at “Spider-Man” (Sam Raimi’s version, which is one of my favorite superhero movie.)

This is my attempt at “Spider-Man” (Sam Raimi’s version, which is one of my favorite superhero movie.)

This is my attempt at “Spider-Man” (Sam Raimi’s version, which is one of my favorite superhero movie.)


Maneuver : +2

Investigate : +1

Protect : +1

Influence : -1

Smash : +0

Origin : The Accident & A Death in the Family

Drive : Protect

Powers : Superhuman strength and agility, Spider sense, Shooting spider-web strings from wrist, Wall walker.

Limitation : (Frequently difficult) 

– Losing his power when he gets mentally stressed

– Having difficulty bonding with Mary Jane because of his superhero duty

– Constantly condemned by Daily Bugle

Power profile 

– Simple (+1) : Cling to surface, Danger sense

– Difficult (+1) : Swinging, Ensnare foes with spider-web.

– Borderline : Lifting a heavy object (weigh several tons)

– Possible : Stopping a 1000t weight train with spider-web.

– Impossible : Creating spider-web which is impossible to cut.

Bond (5)

– Aunt May 2

– Mary Jane 1

– Harry Osborn 1

– New York City 1

Some questions have sprung to mind during character creations:

1. I felt the necessity to make detailed limitation list for my character. Not only for defining the level of limitation,  but also for character’s background and roleplaying.  My question is : Does “Removing one of the limitations on your  powers by spending 3 achievements”(p.123) mean removing one of the limitations which I made for the character? And can I  remove a limitation which is unrelated to my power(hero’s duty, relation with media, etc)?

2. I’m still not clear on defining “possible” level of Power profile. Is it just “Beyond Borderline but not Impossible so you can make the possible effect when you Burnout?”

I’m a little confused about the usefulness of the “use Environment” move.

I’m a little confused about the usefulness of the “use Environment” move.

I’m a little confused about the usefulness of the “use Environment” move. The way I’m reading it, it really doesn’t grant any benefit to the player or the EIC. It’s essentially just color. What’s the benefit of using it over Take-Down or Defy Danger? The cement mixer example in the book sounds like a Take-Down move to me.

What am I missing? I’m running the game for the first time tomorrow as prep for Gencon, so I’d really like to get this cleared up.

I am planning to run Worlds in Peril at Games on Demand at Gencon.

I am planning to run Worlds in Peril at Games on Demand at Gencon.

I am planning to run Worlds in Peril at Games on Demand at Gencon.

Any suggestions? Should I bring full pregens? Partial pregens? or have players make characters on the spot?

Going to run it for the first time this Sunday.

Checking in from KY.

Checking in from KY.

Checking in from KY. Just got my book today. There was a little crunching on a corner in the shipping somewhere (I think my mailman hates me) , so I’ve got some weighted flattening I’m trying to do. Otherwise, this book looks BEAUTIFUL. I’m pretty sure it’s taken Grim World’s throne as prettiest looking Apocalypse Powered book and that’s saying a lot in my book. Great job and I can’t wait to really dip into the book. 

I knew it – just knew it!   I had surgery today and just knew that, like a proper superhero, Worlds in Peril would…

I knew it – just knew it!   I had surgery today and just knew that, like a proper superhero, Worlds in Peril would…

I knew it – just knew it!   I had surgery today and just knew that, like a proper superhero, Worlds in Peril would be awaiting my triumphant return, to be there as a staunch sidekick to aid me in my recuperation.  Well done, heroes!  Beautiful book.  I have the pdf, and am very impressed with it, but there’s nothing like a book – especially a book this well crafted.  Thank you for all of your efforts, guys (and the bubble wrap)!