I’m running a game where the players are exploring, so they haven’t been to any of the planets before, one player…

…press coverage. Judd Goswick Online community in a FTL communications network? “Let me check the forums and see if anyone knows about these Crystals…” Sean Gomes Todd Zircher That’s a…

I’m looking to start up an online game relatively soon and was wondering of anyone would be interested in joining.

I’m looking to start up an online game relatively soon and was wondering of anyone would be interested in joining. Aiming for Saturday evenings or Sundays CST using Skype or…

NOT my background–one I found online ages and ages ago and no longer remember where.

NOT my background–one I found online ages and ages ago and no longer remember where. D: Hope this #Epyllion #babydragonselfie counts for the #tasksfromthecouncil ! Magpie Games…