Quickie question for first time MC – do personal directives work once per mission or are they stackable.

Quickie question for first time MC – do personal directives work once per mission or are they stackable.

Quickie question for first time MC – do personal directives work once per mission or are they stackable. An example is the Masochists Directive where the player took injury three times. Is that +3 xp?

Has anyone run The Downtown Dataheist and recorded it on youtube? I’m interested to see the flow of it.

Has anyone run The Downtown Dataheist and recorded it on youtube? I’m interested to see the flow of it.

Has anyone run The Downtown Dataheist and recorded it on youtube? I’m interested to see the flow of it.

One thing I especially like about the +1 Forward podcast is the question “what is your favourite move [that you…

One thing I especially like about the +1 Forward podcast is the question “what is your favourite move [that you…

One thing I especially like about the +1 Forward podcast is the question “what is your favourite move [that you created]”. I’m not a very experienced PBTA player, though I’ve read several games and am delighted by the way a single move change alter the whole game mechanics.

What is your favourite move (from which game) and why?

Can someone recommend a good Urban Shadows AP? I’d like to see the game in action a little bit.

Can someone recommend a good Urban Shadows AP? I’d like to see the game in action a little bit.

Can someone recommend a good Urban Shadows AP? I’d like to see the game in action a little bit.

As I read the book I had a file of questions I intended to post here for clarification.

As I read the book I had a file of questions I intended to post here for clarification.

As I read the book I had a file of questions I intended to post here for clarification. Many of them got cut off when I found the resolution in the book but here are some of the leftovers. Thanks for any thoughts.

Does the HELP move have a 10+ outcome? The Soldier’s ‘Steady Presence] move seems to think so.


Can a party Techie (with the Splicer speciality) be the group surgeon – if so does it warrant a move?

Can there be better examples of how the Techie [Customiser] move works? It feels too arbitrary.


Matrix Programmes: Can two programmes with the same name be used and stack?

While the back end of the book says [intel] and [gear] do not carry over, does it make sense to throw unspent [gear] out since one could feasibly get more stuff in a downtime scene off camera?

This applies to going under the knife since you’re unlikely to undergo surgery when there is a mission underway (surely).


Is there an endgame built in to the rules or is this limited purely by the fiction? Since the game starts out with the players having some heat from the corps, and there are many mechanisms that drive the corps to retaliate in some fashion – is there any mechanic that represents a hopeful outcome? (I’m saving enough for retirement/i’m saving up to pay off the debts of my daughter so i can get her out of labour camp 4/I’m just trying to get this heat off me so I can start over)  

Which leads me to ask what does cred represent in terms of living costs (give or take) – so if someone was aiming to “save up for retirement” what’s a suitable target


Are corporate moves done in the MC moves time, when the corp clock moves or just when the fiction calls for it?
