This is our Bull, Casey, who wears a sentai-esque fighting suit.

This is our Bull, Casey, who wears a sentai-esque fighting suit.

This is our Bull, Casey, who wears a sentai-esque fighting suit. It’s a piece of alien tech bonded to his arm and possibly sentient, providing him both ridiculous tactical readouts and a self-repairing exo-skeleton with a survival drive of its own. For now they have an “understanding” but how long that will last is anyone’s guess.

I’ve been slowly drawing all the characters from my Masks game.

I’ve been slowly drawing all the characters from my Masks game.

I’ve been slowly drawing all the characters from my Masks game… starting with our Nova. Cassandra, or “Cass”, who was assigned the name Vertigo and has gravity manipulation and an acidic sense of humor.