I have a few questions about the gorgeous Space Marine Mammal playbook.

I have a few questions about the gorgeous Space Marine Mammal playbook.

I have a few questions about the gorgeous Space Marine Mammal playbook. I feel the rules for Walkinsuit are a little bit unclear, maybe for the used terms.I’ll do a little copy-paste to try to clear my dubts with you:


A walkingsuit has two operational modes: baseline and charged up. In baseline, it can walk at moderate speeds, lift and carry moderate loads, manipulate things with its hands, and use its basic comms and sensor systems. In order to sprint, leap, fly, exert powerful physical force, or use most of its systems, including its targeting and weapon systems, it must charge up. 

>> Dumb question here, I think the w.s. arms are not “human size”, so they can’t brace standard firearms, correct!? If they are, should the w.s. charge up ’cause it’s “using targeting systems”, if the mammal want to fire with a borrowed shotgun? 

The charge countdown on your walkingsuit sheet represents the reactor energy that these actions consume. When the charge countdown reaches 12:00, the walkingsuit has reached the operational limits of its reactor and needs to be cooled back down to baseline to recharge. The process of charging a walkingsuit up from baseline, or cooling it back down to baseline, takes only a second or two.

>> This is a sort of switch to change from “charged up” mode to “baseline” mode, right?


When your walkingsuit is in baseline, erase 1 charge segment for each hour that passes.

When you charge up a walkingsuit, roll+weird. On a 10+, mark no charge countdown segments. On a 7–9, mark 1 charge countdown segment. On a miss, mark 2 charge countdown segments.

>> So, I’m walking around with my w.s. Now I have to destroy a wall with a punch, then I have to charge up, rolling+weird. I roll 8, so I mark 1 segment. Now, can I destroy the wall punching it. Then I take a couple of friend over my chassis, and I want to run away quickly: here I’m in the “charge up” mode, still, or do I have to re-roll the charge up before making the quick run? Now, during the run, I need to shot a couple of pursuing raiders down: again, I have to roll again the charge up?

Once your walkingsuit’s charge countdown has reached 12:00, it cools automatically down to baseline. To charge it up again, you’ll need to charge it up again.

>> This phrase is quite deceiving. I understand that, when at 12.00, the w.s. switch to “baseline” mode automatically, and if I want to charge up I need to “charge up again”, with a standard +weird roll. But I have no segments free. Then, what now? May I risk a roll trying to get a 10+, so no other segment are added?

>> Or, at the contrary, the phrase is telling that when I hit (or pass) 12:00, then the system goes baseline, and I have to wait the clock become fully empty before charge up again? So I have to wait 6 hours?

When your walkingsuit goes into hard shutdown, roll+agility. On a 10+, all 3. On a 7–9, choose 2. On a miss, choose 1:

… etc.

>> What is a “hard shutdown”?? I can imagine that, ‘cause I love mecha games, however here it’s not clear. I cannot find rules referring to this type of shutdown: mabye an hard shutdown happen when the w.s. reaches/pass 12:00?? Then, in the previous paragraph, should be useful to indicate that, like “Once your walkingsuit’s charge countdown has reached 12:00, it does an hard shutdown AND it cools automatically down to baseline.” Or maybe I’m not understanding a single thing here…

When you use your walkingsuit to cover ground, name your route and roll+agility. On a 10+, choose 3. On a 7–9, choose 2. On a miss, choose 1:

•  Do not mark a charge countdown segment. Otherwise, you must mark 1.

… etc.

>> This is quite related to my firsts doubts. Suppose to be in baseline mode. If I need to run, then I have to charge up (weird roll), THEN I have to roll for covering ground (so, risking to mark a 2nd charge sector)?

When you use your walkingsuit to force an entrance or exit, name your route and roll+power. On a hit, sweet, you’re there, and anything that stood in your way has suffered whatever harm or impact necessary (MC’s call). 

… etc.

>> Here again, do I risk to mark a 2nd charge segment, if I start from baseline?

Thanks in advance, guys, I hope you, and maybe Vincent Baker , can lend a hand.