Vincent Baker just announced our new game, Apocalypse World: Dark Age. It’s in 1st Look phase, with playtesting and etc to come before the full stand-alone game is ready for release. Head to his blog to read more!
Vincent Baker just announced our new game, Apocalypse World: Dark Age.
Vincent Baker just announced our new game, Apocalypse World: Dark Age. It’s in 1st Look phase, with playtesting and etc to come before the full stand-alone game is ready for release. Head to his blog to read more!
Working on #AWDA is a bit like opening the floodgates.
Working on #AWDA is a bit like opening the floodgates. I’m setting myself up for editing like mad. Luckily, Vincent Baker is pretty good about saying “this bit needs to be more, and let’s trim this bit out.” I did get to keep the bit about the iron pots and the tin pots. At least so far. We’ll see how it ends up.