I’m wondering if anyone has any experience running Masks at a gaming convention?

I’m wondering if anyone has any experience running Masks at a gaming convention?

I’m wondering if anyone has any experience running Masks at a gaming convention? Got any tips? I want to run 3 games over 3 days and I had originally envisioned getting the same group committed for all 3 games to tell an expansive story – but that seems frowned upon by the con organizers saying that’s usually a fast way to a bad time.

I’m able to book 3 to 5 hour blocks. I really want to run the game since my table has taken to the system very well, but it seems to be the more their characters interact the better the game is. At a CON ya don’t get that luxury. Plus the system doesn’t have a real crunch for a beat’em up brawl.

Perhaps someone’s done a blog about this?

Just curious. If nothing else I’ll be running D&D AL for a few tables, but I like showing people other games I love too.

I work as a graphic designer and am starting up a MASKs game.

I work as a graphic designer and am starting up a MASKs game.

I work as a graphic designer and am starting up a MASKs game. So I figured I’d give these kids a logo. Kinda goes against the usual learning center standards but I enjoy radials of I get a chance.