An idea from a PBTA discussion forum that I wanted to share, regarding another alternative to Cargo for campaigns…

An idea from a PBTA discussion forum that I wanted to share, regarding another alternative to Cargo for campaigns…

An idea from a PBTA discussion forum that I wanted to share, regarding another alternative to Cargo for campaigns that are more Star Trek than Firefly, and where equipment is normally requisitioned from one’s faction instead of purchased on the market.


When you call upon your Faction to supply you with resources, roll +Influence.

On a 13+, you get what you want.

On a 10-12, your request receives normal scrutiny. If your Faction is amiably disposed toward the request, it’s granted. If not, the request will be granted conditionally as per 7-9.

On a 7-9, the request may be granted conditionally. The Asset may be loaned to you for the duration of the mission, but the Faction will want it back afterwards. Alternatively, the request will be granted if you accept a cost, a task, or a lesser asset or service than you asked for.

On a 6-, the request falls through unless you call in a Favor.

Restrictions: To use this move, either you or your enterprise must owe allegiance to a Faction. If calling upon a personal allegiance, then your Requisition is limited to your personal use, unless you can show that supplying your enterprise serves the faction’s needs (for example, they are on a mission that aids your Faction).

Misappropriation: When you Requisition goods or services from your superiors, your actions are recorded by the appropriate authority. Different Factions have different attitudes towards Requisitioned assets; some will be unhappy to see Requisitioned goods used for non-Faction goals at all, others encourage private initiative so long as the PC continues to deliver results. Regardless, no Requisition is completely no-strings-attached. If you fail to return loaned Assets, or your use of Requisitioned Assets or services harms your Faction or goes against policy, you will incur debt.