Saw another version of an Alien pop-up and so I pulled this out from where I have been over hauling it for the past…

Saw another version of an Alien pop-up and so I pulled this out from where I have been over hauling it for the past…

Saw another version of an Alien pop-up and so I pulled this out from where I have been over hauling it for the past few years.

The latest round of playtest with the enchanted is nearing to a close and several changes have been made from both…

The latest round of playtest with the enchanted is nearing to a close and several changes have been made from both…

The latest round of playtest with the enchanted is nearing to a close and several changes have been made from both comments received and issues discovered during actual play.

Here is the newest version of the skin 

Greetings, I present a new Skin that sprang from a character’s desire to play a character with a curse similar to…

Greetings, I present a new Skin that sprang from a character’s desire to play a character with a curse similar to…

Greetings, I present a new Skin that sprang from a character’s desire to play a character with a curse similar to Ella from the book (and some extent movie) Ella Enchanted.

It wasn’t until a few other players recently looked over the skin and decided they wanted to play it that I considered releasing it.

So I present for your enjoyment, The Enchanted!

Question on the Hollow’s move Blank Canvas

Question on the Hollow’s move Blank Canvas

Question on the Hollow’s move Blank Canvas

“When you take an action that embodies one of the Conditions that you have, and you allow that Condition to influence your sense of self, cross it off and add 1 to your roll.”

The question I have is with the wording “Cross it off”. Most other skins use deliberate terminology, but this is a fan skin and my players and I are wondering if it means the same as “Lose that condition” or “Stop you from using that one again for the bonus.