Coming soon: Session Zero zine

Coming soon: Session Zero zine

Originally shared by Brian Holland

Coming soon: Session Zero zine

Very close to being finished: 1 more piece of content, then a couple days away from it before some editing. Then it’ll be a while before I publish while slogging through layout.

Here’s a first draft cover of what will be Issue 1: The Smoldering Swamp of my zine called Session Zero, coming soon as PWYW on DTRPG.

Inspired by, but not a slave to The Fire Swamp found in The Princess Bride (This is Dungeon World after all, not Fairy Tale World)


Maximillian’s Miracle Medicine

A small, roughly spherical ball that looks like pure chocolate. It comes in a small leather pouch branded with the words “Maximillian’s Miracle Medicine”.

When you’re mostly dead and someone pops a Maximillian’s Miracle Medicine ball into your mouth, you start to regain consciousness, but you’re very weak. You gain half half your starting hit points and take all six debilities. Over time, those debilities start to disappear as you regain your strength, wits, etc.

I have an idea for a PbtA game, but I need to know if it, or something like it, already exists so I don’t reinvent…

I have an idea for a PbtA game, but I need to know if it, or something like it, already exists so I don’t reinvent…

I have an idea for a PbtA game, but I need to know if it, or something like it, already exists so I don’t reinvent the wheel…

Sort of a cross between Net Runner and Spycraft, the characters take on the roles of shadowing members of a secret cabal sitting in their offices or safe rooms, being projected into a virtual conference room. They are coordinating the “running of the world” by sending their agents out to do various underhanded tasks: Bribing officials, assassinating troublemakers, stealing corporate and government secrets, etc., during which agents of the legitimate governments of the world are hacking into their feed, attacking their resources, searching for them, etc.

I guess similar to something like Shadowrun, but you are directing the missions rather than participating in them

Very high level thinking right now, and although I’m not entirely sure how ANYTHING would work yet, I think it would be apropos to play a game using google hangouts/roll20 about controlling the world through google hangouts/roll20.

I’ve had Uncharted Worlds for a while and only read it in bits and pieces.

I’ve had Uncharted Worlds for a while and only read it in bits and pieces.

I’ve had Uncharted Worlds for a while and only read it in bits and pieces. Today I started reading it in detail and now I MUST play it!!

Here’s a Random Character Generator I made to help feed my imagination until I can find someone to play with.

Page World – A Dungeon World hack by Brian Holland

Page World – A Dungeon World hack by Brian Holland

Originally shared by Brian Holland

Page World – A Dungeon World hack by Brian Holland

“Live like real people. Get a small party; those that feel the need to be free… take quests as they come… Never be under the heel of nobody ever again.” Find a Party. Find a Quest. Keep Adventuring!

Tabletop Terrors: Learn to Play D&D talks about creating a mission statement for your design goals, and that has really helped me with this. The mission statement for this project was “I want to create a one-page fantasy questing game using Dungeon World rules, that feels like Firefly.”

I built this because some friends wanted to “play a fantasy version of Firefly”. I love Firefly and Dungeon World, but didn’t want to make a bunch of classes or moves, so I attempted to abstract everything down as much as possible.

This is version 1.0 and we’ll be playing tonight. Any and all feedback will be most happily received (even if you tell me it’s crap!).