Question: When you get 5 conditions and are removed from a scene, when you are re-introduced into the next scene…

Question: When you get 5 conditions and are removed from a scene, when you are re-introduced into the next scene…

Question: When you get 5 conditions and are removed from a scene, when you are re-introduced into the next scene what do your conditions do? Do you remove some or all? Do you just keep them and get removed again if something affects you before getting rid of one? I’m reading through the playbook and not finding the answer to that question…

So I’ve written my first love letter for one of my players.

So I’ve written my first love letter for one of my players.

So I’ve written my first love letter for one of my players. I’m pretty excited about this, as there are a few real fun things I can pull depending on how he rolls. For context: Catalyst (Reformed) recently rolled high on his obligation time-pass. His father, the incarcerated former leader of a powerful but corrupt vigilante gang, gets in touch to let him know that a former associate, Jabberwock, is holding a grudge and out for revenge…which he’s apparently willing to take out on his son Catalyst.

Something that I have noticed crop up a few times as a player and since I am thinking of GMing soon I’d like some…

Something that I have noticed crop up a few times as a player and since I am thinking of GMing soon I’d like some…

Something that I have noticed crop up a few times as a player and since I am thinking of GMing soon I’d like some advice on handling it.

How do you handle a “grappler” player? A player who consistently chooses to grab or subdue enemies with their rolls and if they haven’t rolled well enough they choose “avoid blows” to keep themself ready to attempt it again. They never really try to do anything with the environment/using words until they’ve “grappled” the enemy into submission. They also generally have super strength/speed as a power so explaining how an enemy escapes their grip either feels cheap or causes arguments.

Once in a while it’s alright, but when it’s the ONLY action they take it brings the game to a screeching halt and other players start to feel useless. How would you suggest this be handled? Talking to the player privately? I’d rather not go the route of making all the enemies be teleporting mist-monsters…