Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!

Just completed pt. 2 of my (now looking to be 3 session) Sprawl campaign’s 1st episode. I’m enjoying the game immensely, especially now that I’ve got a full group (last session had only two people.) But… I’ve got a few questions. Well, one in particular:

What on earth are Deck Stats?

I MC, and after scouring the book, I did find what I thought explained the stats in the gear section, but it only left me with more questions than answers. It almost seems that they act like hold over matrix subsystems, to use against programs? The Matrix requirements on the MC side seem a little rough as well; I found myself wondering whether or not to force a trace or a move on the decker so they didn’t just breeze through their objective with no repercussions, and how to structure systems from an MC perspective. Both my Hacker and I are a little puzzled about this, and could use some clarifying please.