A new episode of Misfits is available on CharismaToAC! MASKS!
A new episode of Misfits is available on CharismaToAC! calls for more MASKS!! Ready to view on CharismaToAC!
This calls for more MASKS!! Ready to view on CharismaToAC! when you switch playbook, do you pick abilities from the new playbook in addition to picking moves?
Question: when you switch playbook, do you pick abilities from the new playbook in addition to picking moves?
The Core book’s page 117 specifies: “whether you keep the abilities, moves, and extras of your first playbook depends on the exact circumstances of your switch.”
But as far as I can see, there’s no explicit mention of you gaining a new suite of powers. I don’t suppose these are considered part of the new playbook’s extras?
Thanks for your time.
Did somebody say more MASKS? No? Well, let’s fix that!
Did somebody say more MASKS? No? Well, let’s fix that!
More MASKS for your viewing pleasure, as episode 4 of Misfits hits CharismaToAC!’s time for more MASKS! A new episode of Misfits is available on CharismaToAC!
It’s time for more MASKS! A new episode of Misfits is available on CharismaToAC! new episode of Misfits is up and available on CharismaToAC!
A new episode of Misfits is up and available on CharismaToAC!
Will there be heroics? Will there be villainy? Will there be teenage? Only one way to find out!’m starting to upload our new MASKS series on CharismaToAC.
I’m starting to upload our new MASKS series on CharismaToAC.
Come join our superteam of Misfits: Constricta the Transformed, Entry the Delinquent, Trespass the Reformed, Vanguard the Beacon and Recon the Joined.
It’s gonna be a good time.’ve come to question my GMing when it comes to villains and fights.
I’ve come to question my GMing when it comes to villains and fights.
I have my villains do stuff that fall within their abilities, but that they don’t have explicit moves for. This affects the scene and the heroes and sometimes means a move doesn’t trigger.
Last session my players went up against one of the A-listers of Halcyon’s villains, the powerful sorceress Morigan Lefaye.
The Bull and the Janus both rushed to attack her and I had her catch them out of the air and throw them both back and to the ground with a dismissive gesture.
When the Legacy lasso’d her with a chain, she spoke a magic word and electrified herself and the chain, shocking him.
She turned the Doomed into a raven. Now they have to find a way to break the spell.
Of these 3, only the last one was as a result of having the villain react to a failed move. The first 2 I just described happen in response to my what my players said their characters were doing. I know both my Bull and Janus were trying to directly engage, but I didn’t think it would come to that and instead had Morigan counter their attacks.
Is this right? In my mind, this seems right. Some villains with certain abilities will be tough or downright impossible to engage with in certain ways. It doesn’t matter how strong you are, if all you do is punch, you’re not directly engaging the amorphous water-monster. Try as hard as you may, no amount of unleashing your ferrokinetic powers are gonna create a cage that traps a person who can freely teleport – it isn’t a roll. This is kinda how I’ve been thinking when these things happen.
I don’t want to break the rules or be a jerk to my players.