Streamlined my Survival Apocalypse World Hack. Got it down to 2 Pages!
Thoughts and suggestions welcome! It’s still very rough.
Streamlined my Survival Apocalypse World Hack. Got it down to 2 Pages!
Streamlined my Survival Apocalypse World Hack. Got it down to 2 Pages!
Thoughts and suggestions welcome! It’s still very rough.
My self, and some of the blokes in the Dungeon World tavern are contributing to this idea of a Survival/zombie games…
My self, and some of the blokes in the Dungeon World tavern are contributing to this idea of a Survival/zombie games based on Apocalypse World. Thoughts? ideas? contributions?
Is this redundant? too mechanics heavy? too light?
I plan on it ultimately being 20-30 pages for running a oneshot or a few short games. This probably won’t turn out to be a full-blown game.