I was thinking of writing a playbook which explored issues of parental abuse.
I was thinking of writing a playbook which explored issues of parental abuse.
It incredibly tough to pitch this right. Its a really thin line between addressing the issues in a forthright way and being unnecessarily vulgar about it. I know at many tables what I’ve written is going to cross lines. I wouldn’t think of bringing it to the table without discussing the implications of having the skin in play, and making sure everyone was okay with it.
I would like people opinions on what I’ve written. So far this is what I’ve got on virtual paper (initial playbook thoughts):
( Please: If this subject is likely to offend you / trigger bad memories leave the playbook alone. )
This is material I really would like to explore, but I don’t want to traumatise people in play. Has anyone any thoughts as to where to take this playbook? I’d like to find a less blunt approach to these issues?
Also I don’t want a playbook that derails the game. Hence it needs to work with all the other playbooks in a normal Monsterhearts game