I have a question(s) for you fine people.
Do your AW players tend to try to be good friends all the time and always avoid stepping on other character’s toes?
I’ve run a decent number of AW games now and it seems like unless I force it, the characters never consider crossing another character.
I ask because I feel like there never is any PC vs PC tension in my games and I know that the potential for some great role playing moments can happen when PC’s are at odds, especially in AW.
Granted I play with the same group of people so it could just be their style, and that’s fine, but I’m wondering if your game has the PC’s at odds more so.
Maybe I’m not doing my set up well enough. All the conflicts are PC vs NPC. As I’m typing this I realize that there is a page or two in the book that states I should be making PC-NPC-PC triangles. How does one do that to make for tension and interesting choices/role playing opportunities?