Arrived Monday! Monsterhearts 2 in the Bay Area!
Arrived Monday! Monsterhearts 2 in the Bay Area!
Arrived Monday! Monsterhearts 2 in the Bay Area!
Received in the Bay Area, California!
Received in the Bay Area, California!
Powered By The Apocalypse veterans:
Powered By The Apocalypse veterans:
A question came up elsewhere, which reminded me of a blind spot in my own *World understanding.
There is a big narrative/mechanical difference between an *World game, and a more traditional turn-based game.
In most traditional RPGs, a roll is just what your character does for 6 seconds or so, and the GM rolls separately for what the opposition does with their 6 seconds.
In *World games, a roll in a given conflict actually encapsulates both the action and the consequence provided by the opposition.
For a one-on-one conflict, this makes sense. to me. However, it can seem unfair/unrealistic when three PCs all “Resort to Violence” (or whatever the fight move is for your particular game) in the same scene against the same opponent, who then seems to get three separate retributive attacks against them.
As a GM, I’m always uncertain how I’m supposed to handle that situation.