Dilemma: tribute video to playtesters

Dilemma: tribute video to playtesters

Dilemma: tribute video to playtesters

#dilemmarpg #dilemmarpgmusic  

ENGLISH VERSION: https://vimeo.com/64167383

ITALIAN VERSION: http://vimeo.com/64167384

This video, by Elisa Greco Gambino, is a “thank you” for all players who helped us so far, loving the game and giving us a lot of enthusiasm to keep the work going on!

Manuela Soriani and I are so happy to have a memento of many games played so far, a memento we’ll be able to watch again whenever we’ll feel like it!

We hope you will like it as much as we did!

Elisa Greco Gambino didn’t choose on her own the characters’ casting: Manuela Soriani asked all involved players to provide their own. Everyone who answered got included!

Anyone who wasn’t included for any reason needs not to be jealous: this video is for you, too! ^_^

This video is also meant as a gift to Marco Andreetto, who knew nothing about the video, and who is the “silent voice” in the authors’ trio: we owe you a lot of enthusiasm, man!

Extra thanks to Elisa Greco Gambino, who poured into this video a huge amount of working hours: we’ll never be able to pay that back!

Thanks to the Powered By The Apocalypse community members, who helped us to find the perfect closing tagline! You’re so great, people! ^_^

Dilemma is about to go into blind test phase, and it’s also near to its first birthday, counting from the first written-down rules.

This video is also available in the official Dilemma G+ Community: https://plus.google.com/communities/108906021763185965648

Tagging the players involved:

Davide Falzani Martino Gasparella Marco Andreetto Sonia Grossi claudia ronchi Mauro Ghibaudo Luca Bonisoli Moreno Roncucci Francesca Da Sacco Claudia Cangini Michela Da Sacco Emilio Brognara Alessandro Ferretto Domenico Marino Ezio Melega Luigi Briganti Fabio Succi Cimentini Mario Bolzoni Girolamo Castaldo Stefano Burchi Paolo Cecchetto 
