Looks like Sin Cara is at it again. Only this time, it’s with someone that has a lot more Stroke backstage

Looks like Sin Cara is at it again. Only this time, it’s with someone that has a lot more Stroke backstage

Looks like Sin Cara is at it again. Only this time, it’s with someone that has a lot more Stroke backstage


Had a big 6v6 tag team event with tag lucha libre rules to allow more people to play.

Had a big 6v6 tag team event with tag lucha libre rules to allow more people to play.

Had a big 6v6 tag team event with tag lucha libre rules to allow more people to play. I came up with this move that emulates when all the members of the match jump in and brawl it out.

Brawl For All: When everyone on both teams come into the ring, roll +Look

10+ You clean house. Your team retains control, and you choose who is legal on both teams and everyone on your teams gains 1 Momentum

7-9 You looks okay. Give up control to the enemy and gain 1 Momentum, or retain control.

6- The enemy cleans house. They retain control, all gain 1 Momentum, and choose whose is legal on both teams.

In which I discuss Momentum and Success in the game. A great game, but some tweaks to make it more how I like it.

In which I discuss Momentum and Success in the game. A great game, but some tweaks to make it more how I like it.

In which I discuss Momentum and Success in the game. A great game, but some tweaks to make it more how I like it.

So I was curious, since my wrestling experience has been relegated to WWE, AAA, and WCW, how can I watch ROH?

So I was curious, since my wrestling experience has been relegated to WWE, AAA, and WCW, how can I watch ROH?

So I was curious, since my wrestling experience has been relegated to WWE, AAA, and WCW, how can I watch ROH? Do they have a streaming service alongside cable? I don’t have cable, so I can’t watch it there. Thanks for any help.

Came up with an alternate version of Jobber to the Stars.

Came up with an alternate version of Jobber to the Stars.

Came up with an alternate version of Jobber to the Stars. Instead of working on only NPCs, I made it work on anyone that has equal or less Audience than you. If you are still booked to lose, then you can roll your jobber finisher to make the other guy look good. I felt this reflected the nature of a jobber to the stars a bit more. Though you would have to consider NPW Audience scores more, but that’s not really a big enough issue.

What do you think?

I’ve been meaning to share this for awhile.

I’ve been meaning to share this for awhile.

I’ve been meaning to share this for awhile. I run WWWRPG for the VGCW forum boards every Wednesday morning. It’s been a pretty big hit, as the forum is a host to wrestling fans and RPG fans, so it’s attracted a large amount of people. We do our PPV event Wednesday, so I’ll be sure to fill you guys in on it.
