So I’ve ran about a half dozen pbta games over the last two years.
So I’ve ran about a half dozen pbta games over the last two years. All were either Monster of the Week or Spirit of ’77. That’s the extent of my experience with pbta games. But I’ve been a GM for 30 years.
The thing I’m struggling with is spotlight and choosing targets.
It seems the more the spotlight is on a character, either because they are more vocal, proactive or I feel their character deserves the spotlight at the moment, the more they are likely to suffer harm. Whereas someone sitting back is less likely to suffer harm. Or I feel like I’m targeting that individual if a monster goes out of its way to attack, threaten, or whatever.
Not sure if I make any sense. It just feels like every time I run these games the most proactive player usually have their characters die first.
Just looking for advice, podcast episodes to listen to, blogs to read, that kinda thing.