I’m new to PbtA, but I’ve seen it recommended more than a few times by gamers I respect.

I’m new to PbtA, but I’ve seen it recommended more than a few times by gamers I respect.

I’m new to PbtA, but I’ve seen it recommended more than a few times by gamers I respect. Since I’m a huge fan of Buffy, Supernatural, etc, Monster of the Week seemed like a good candidate to dive in with. I’ve read most of the book and I have a couple players willing to Guinea pig it for me. I even have a possible first mystery seed based on a cheesy 80s movie poster (Raw Force: Its nourishment – raw flesh; Its guardian – the undead; Its sanctuary – the island. Seems to mostly cover the non bystander threats). I’ve played a little Fate, which is the closest to the spirit of PbtA I can think of from games I’ve tried.

A couple questions:

Any advice more experienced Keepers have for a newbie to the system like me? The reference sheets seem pretty helpful for keeping the key stuff at my fingertips, but it’s impossible to know exactly what to expect before that first session. First session should be this weekend.

I’m thinking of doing this in arcs as seasons, arbitrarily choosing 10-12 Mysteries to play through for each. I’m not planning ahead so much on the what or the how; I think my improv style as a GM will fit in nicely here. Does this seem like a workable idea, giving the players a sense of how long it’ll take to play through any particular arc? Might this help remaining focused on the countdown? Or am I being too rigid?

Are two players enough to survive, or will I need to adjust anything or add players/hunters? These two have shown interest in the Wronged and Spooky playbooks, so it might get a little Sam and Dean.

Thanks in advance for any insight, thoughts, or suggestions.