No one knows Apocalypse World here!!!

No one knows Apocalypse World here!!!

No one knows Apocalypse World here!!!

I’ve played a ton of Powered by the Apocalypse games with great people in Korea (Blades in the Dark, Apocalypse World, Tremulus, The Warren, The Veil, a friend’s creation about magic cats). Now I’m in Minnesota, playing board games, starting a Blades in the Dark campaign, hanging out at game stores and getting to know the gaming scene here. I still haven’t met a single person who has even heard of Apocalypse World. What the hell is up with that? I went to a meetup dot com event to hook players and GMs up. Not a single person knew a single thing!!!!! What the hell?!? Does anyone have any idea why this might be? Or where everyone is hiding? Thanks in advance 🙂