“An uncharted world, in the deeps of space.

“An uncharted world, in the deeps of space.

“An uncharted world, in the deeps of space. What emergency caused your crew to make the Wild Jump that led you to this system?”

I’m experimenting with a brief format for creating story prompts, using clip art as inspiration to get me started. I’ve got enough of these now to share, and I welcome any feedback. (You can also comment on the doc, if I’ve set it up right.)

The intent is to create evocative images (“Details” / “Discoveries”), and then Prompts related to each, followed up with a worksheet space for Threats, Factions, Moves, etc.

Feel free also to kick the tires in play. What other types of question would you ask?



Hello! I’m new to AW, and was very excited to find it while digging into Dungeon World. I haven’t yet had the chance to play or run any of the PbtA engine games, but I’m intrigued by their shared mechanics, as well as the places they differ. Of course, since sci-fi is a huge draw for me, I’m looking forward to diving into UW.

I have a question, regarding Fronts. These to me were one of the most interesting tools in Dungeon World. It seemed as though Fronts would do a tremendous job of rallying plot elements and keeping tension in an ever-expanding story.

Can anyone speak to the compatibility of Fronts within UW? Can anyone think of reasons they may not work, or reasons to keep Threats more separate? Has anyone tried using Fronts in an UW campaign? Any thoughts are welcomed.