Our group stated a campaign, wanted to give some constructive feedback.

Our group stated a campaign, wanted to give some constructive feedback.

Our group stated a campaign, wanted to give some constructive feedback. We had a good long chat after game to discuss pro/cons

The pros:

Players loved the pc creation…so many options, especially with the new gear selections. 

Faction set up was cool, much like Hx for creating triangles tween pc’s and their relationships.

Combat moves…liked the more narrative style of combat rather than a harm #’s

The Cons:

Xp system difficult for players to keep track of as there are so many examples on the sheets and they didnt like the general set up.  Something like a modified bonds from dungeon world would be better where you have a simpler system where players perhaps work with mc to set career goals for sessions?

Players didnt like face adversity so much…it was the most used move in our 1st session and my players didnt like that some will easily meta this move so they are almost always using their best stat for the roll. 

Need a social move like “read person” from apocw – we have been ApocW gaming for many years we all agree to keep the depth of character interaction this move allows is really needed, otherwise the interactions seem hollow.

2 combat moves can be easily combined. The wording is the same anyways, you just have 2 diff stats to draw from.

Barter/Money/cargo… players didnt like the cargo so much not all games will be a firefly style…should be changed to more general term for currency.

Well, that’s it for now, we’re gaming this Tuesday again so will give more feedback soon

Hi all!

Hi all!

Hi all! We started a campaign set set in 26th century, did some cool world/universe building and fleshed out pcs and factions.

Will give more feedback next game…

Few questions though-

1. How can stats be advanced? Perhaps more xp + complete milestones that relate to the stat?

2. Harm..how does it work with a crew? When to kill them if it’s just a few npcs…?

3. Debt for the starting ship…is it 3 debt for each pc? Or 3 debt for the group?


Hey Sean, my group is excited to play – we’ll start next week.

Hey Sean, my group is excited to play – we’ll start next week.

Hey Sean, my group is excited to play – we’ll start next week.

Do you have any rough rules on star ship creation options? I haven’t dug on the ApocW forum on the UW thread yet…perhaps there?

Also how has play testing worked with your harm method?  It seems easy to be able to assign very dangerous/deadly dmg to pcs, so in combat, on a weak hit using the non-harm options more often perhaps> ie; adding story/event complications. 

Hi all!

Hi all!

Hi all! I am really diggin Urban Shadows! I do have some feed back as I ran a demo tonight at Con-bravo here in Hamilton Canada-land. First time using the 2.0 sneak peak pack. Nice new layout, like some of the changes and additions. Drew, we’ll prob chat about this tomorrow but gotta say I wasnt too keen on the new xp mechanic. The new and experienced players found it quite confusing and I don’t think we had a single advance or maybe 1. I tried to regularly suggest to the players to use the faction moves and explained how they worked…but i was like a broken record and the action was focused more p vs. p. in this game, so not allot of opportunities for faction moves. Also had trouble with xp from when you settle a faction debt…this means that if a faction has a debt on you like an npc if you get rid of it or do it then you get xp? Unclear to me and the players. Since xp is no longer tied to moves/stats what about keeping the xp on a miss option also or work this in?  Also I have always really like “let it out” but seems that it’s used all the time as there is no read t. sitch move. I know the aware has r. t. sitch but any thoughts of changing this move or adding /removing a current option – I think that the take hold of something vulnerable is better suited for unleash.

There’s my 2 Cents! 

Thanks! Hank : )