Last night I ran a game to introduce a new group to #Monsteroftheweek  and used the Clootie from Book of…

Last night I ran a game to introduce a new group to #Monsteroftheweek  and used the Clootie from Book of…

Last night I ran a game to introduce a new group to #Monsteroftheweek  and used the Clootie from Book of Unremitting Horror.  The letter written by a little girl in this book practically handed me the mystery. What resources do you use for inspiration? I’ve used creepypasta, mythical creature wikis, monster tropes, and urban legends, but I hadn’t thought of looking through another RPG book of monsters until yesterday.  

Originally shared by Jamie Sue

I used this unhappy fellow in last night’s “one shot” of Monster of the Week.  I put one shot in quotes because the group decided that they liked their hunters and this game so much that they would like to keep playing.  I only meant to introduce them, not start up a new campaign.  Not a problem though, it was fun!  I had a blast.

Monster is the Clootie from Book of Unremitting Horror

Does anyone have fillable PDFs or Google Doc versions of playbooks?

Does anyone have fillable PDFs or Google Doc versions of playbooks?

Does anyone have fillable PDFs or Google Doc versions of playbooks?  Specifically for Apocalypse World, Dungeon World, and/or Monster of the Week.  These are the games I am interested in running over Hangouts.  I’ve played in a DW one before, but I didn’t save those (dammit!) but I know they are floating around.  Thanks!

Hi everyone!

Hi everyone!

Hi everyone!  I am running Monster of the Week for ConTessa (a free online gaming convention ran by women for EVERYONE).  I have my minimum of 3 hunters, but I can take 2 more (or additional alternate spots in case someone drops out)!  

Originally shared by Jamie Sue

There are monsters out there.

Most people don’t believe in them, but they’re real. Mostly, when someone finds out that monsters are real, that’s just before they die.

But some people are mean enough, smart enough, crazy enough, or hurt enough, that they live. And some of those people go and hunt down more.

That’s who you are – someone who decided to go on a crusade against the evil critters that are scurrying around out there.

It could be that you make a stand and defend your hometown from everything evil that comes there.  It could be you take to the road and go find them.  It could be you have magic powers that help out.  It could be that your name came up in prophecies thousands of years ago.

The one sure thing is you aren’t gonna go back to your old, safe life.


Monster of the Week is a self-contained roleplaying game of action/horror monster hunting. It’s designed to be quick and easy to prep and play.  

If you like Monster of the Week shows like Supernatural, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, X-files, or Angel, then this is up your alley!  This game is for 3-5 players.  Keeper (GM) is Jamie Sue and no experience is required.

You can choose from any of the hunter playbooks (character sheets) here: monster_of_the_week_files | gamesteratlarge

Playbooks are unique – so no two players can use the same playbook.  The rules are based on the Apocalypse World engine.  You’ll use 2d6 and “moves” which are found in the Hunter Reference Sheet (found in the files site listed above).


So Cracked has some pretty creepy places listed.

So Cracked has some pretty creepy places listed.

So Cracked has some pretty creepy places listed.  I used Takakanonuma Greenland and looked up some of the lore on it.  I actually used some of the creepypasta story I found on a journalist gone missing and sent my MotW hunters to go find him.  Take a look at the link and check out their creepy locations list!  Have any of you used real life locations for your campaign?  

Originally shared by Jamie Sue

Last night on session 7 of Monster of the Week … Takakanonuma Greenland!  The hunters encounter different types of yōkai.  They ventured to the Japanese abandoned amusement park (only found by coordinates, 250km north of Tokyo) to retrieve a missing journalist, free some spirits, and seal the demon gate! #monsteroftheweek   

What’s everyone’s favorite monster trope and why?

What’s everyone’s favorite monster trope and why?

What’s everyone’s favorite monster trope and why?

I particularly like boogeyman-ish monsters.  It hits a kind of nostalgic fear that you think you’ve outgrown. Like Slenderman or The Gentlemen (Hush) from Buffy.

I’m so glad this game has a community now!

I’m so glad this game has a community now!

I’m so glad this game has a community now!  I’m running my 4th session this afternoon and I’m excited.  I love my hunters and their stories!  Our first session was the haunted house scenario example from the book, our second session used Slenderman, and the third session was our holiday Easter themed episode (I wanted something kind of light so I could introduce some metaplot elements into the game).  It’s been a really enjoyable experience so far.  I dig the formula.