Gregor Vuga I know you mentioned that you were sending out the physical rewards from the Sagas indiegogo campaign in…

Gregor Vuga I know you mentioned that you were sending out the physical rewards from the Sagas indiegogo campaign in…

Gregor Vuga I know you mentioned that you were sending out the physical rewards from the Sagas indiegogo campaign in small batches, but I was wondering if you were still sending hardcopies or if they had all been sent now?  I’m eagerly awaiting my copy.

Is there a Firefly/Serenity *World hack floating around anywhere?

Is there a Firefly/Serenity *World hack floating around anywhere?

Is there a Firefly/Serenity *World hack floating around anywhere? My group want to play the new Firefly Cortex+ preview I brought home from Gencon, but the mechanics aren’t gelling for me. I’m afraid *World games have ruined me for other mechanics…

So, I’m thinking of running a MotW game set in mid-18th century England.

So, I’m thinking of running a MotW game set in mid-18th century England.

So, I’m thinking of running a MotW game set in mid-18th century England.  On a cursory skim, I don’t see a whole lot of changes I need to make to the playbooks.  Obviously gear needs to be changed, but its pretty straight forward to swap out “.38” for “flintlock pistol”, “sawed-off shotgun” for “blunderbus”, “hunting rifle” for “fowling piece”, or even “beat up car” for “unfashionable carriage and team”.

Anyone think of any big conversion needs I’m overlooking?