I finally bought Unframed, and it’s pretty amazing thus far.

I finally bought Unframed, and it’s pretty amazing thus far.

I finally bought Unframed, and it’s pretty amazing thus far.

After reading the first essay, the one on improvised dialog by Robin Laws, I’m thinking about making an AW playbook. I’ve played with the idea a bit after reading Hamlets Hit Points, and then again after Hillfolk.  I’m thinking something along the lines of The Silvertongue. Each playbook in AW amplifies an aspect of the game, zooms in on it, by giving that character more things to do in that space. The idea here would be to give the character more play room in dialogues, to amplify the parries and cut-and-thrusts of dialogues. 

The only move I’ve actually thought out thus far is something along the lines of,

To The Point

When someone engages you in dialogue, you may ask them what they are petitioning you for. You begin the conversation at the point where you suss out the what the petitioner wants you to grant. If the person engaging you in dialogue has no petition for you, then you may dismiss them as you quickly deduce that they know not why they are here, and you time is too valuable to babble.

I would assume that there would be lots about contracts and such as well, but the core premise would be combine the elegance of the DramaSystem, with AW. I think they would work well married together into a playbook. 

My petition to you, PbtA, is one for information; do you think this idea has merit?, what moves would you add? Any thought is welcome. (Also, I was kinda wanting to just write down my initial thoughts, I figured I could post them for others to see and maybe play with as well.)

Hello awesome peoples.

Hello awesome peoples.

Hello awesome peoples. Here’s an expansion I made. It’s for any playbook. I finally got to playtest it, although it was only in one game. (A few sessions so far, and still going.) The person who played it, Matthew Lewis just so happened to make an image for it too. If you have any thoughts you’d like to add to it, comments are open. 


I started out with this as a joke… but now I’d love to run this in my game. lol

I started out with this as a joke… but now I’d love to run this in my game. lol

I started out with this as a joke… but now I’d love to run this in my game. lol

Originally shared by Joshua Bailey

My take on the sexy armor issue (that re-emerged for some reason recently?). I was going to say that it was just a joke… but it may have turned out too much fun to be just a joke… lol I’d totally use this in game.


This is a very unplaytested expansion that I’m thinking about adding to my game.

This is a very unplaytested expansion that I’m thinking about adding to my game.

This is a very unplaytested expansion that I’m thinking about adding to my game. I figured I’d post it here first to see if I could get some advice. Thanks all. =)
