So I can’t remember where I was reading it, but somewhere online there was a nice, big discussion about what…

So I can’t remember where I was reading it, but somewhere online there was a nice, big discussion about what…

So I can’t remember where I was reading it, but somewhere online there was a nice, big discussion about what playbooks match up with what fictional characters.  At the time, no one seemed to be able to come up with a fictional example of the Solace.  I think I may have one now: Doctor Who.  To me, it fits really well.  He travels around solving problems without violence, on the whole tilting the scales of the universe towards happiness and harmony, and he’s constantly pursued by freaky things.  I mean, if the Angels aren’t wolves of the Maelstrom, I don’t know what is. Anyone have any other examples?

Question on the Solace move Disarming Presence.

Question on the Solace move Disarming Presence.

Question on the Solace move Disarming Presence.  

It reads “when you want to disarm a charged situation, start speaking or singing and roll+hot. On a hit, no one present can commit violence while they can see you or hear your voice. On a 10+, furthermore, if any of your fellow players’ characters leave the situation peacefully, they mark experience as well. On a miss, no one present can commit violence against anyone but you.”

That “no one present,” does it mean PCs, as well?  Because then on a 10+ there is no choice for the PCs to make in order to receive that XP; they just get it because mechanically they’re not allowed to commit violence, thus they did not.  In our session we changed it to “no NPCs” present, although now that I think of it, it might be better to have PCs Act Under Fire in order to commit violence on a roll of 10+.  Thoughts?